Reasons Why You Need Mineral Supplements


Minerals are an essential part of our lives and there is no doubt that our bodies depend upon them to carry out a lot of natural functions. In case of deficiency, not only does the normal functioning gets jeopardized, but there could be various health disorders as well. But despite being so vital for our normal body functioning, these have to be sourced from the diet or via use of mineral supplements.

Where Have The Minerals Disappeared?

When the crops, fruits and vegetables that we grow are cultivated in mineral rich soil, we can expect our diet to steadily fulfill our daily mineral requirements. Modern methods of agriculture and rampant use of strong and potent fertilizers have robbed the soil of its natural mineral content and it is our bodies that have to pay the price.

Add to these factors the bane of chelating pesticides and increasing use of genetically modified foodstuff and what we see is an entire population that suffers from mineral deficiency related health problems, despite consuming a balanced diet.

Blocks to Mineral Absorption

Not everyone is lucky enough to be capable of absorbing mineral from their diet even if they were available. Sometimes long standing infections or diseases of the intestinal tract, prolonged use of refined foods, food additives, gluten rich and raw food diet and certain congenital disabilities can all block proper mineral absorption from the diet.

Drinking tap water or water that is high in chlorine, aluminum, fluoride etc. and contamination of food or water with toxic metals and chemical can all hinder proper mineral absorption.

The most unfortunate case is of individuals who regularly consume mineral supplements but are still not seeing any benefits. These people are in all probability using the wrong kind of supplements that are incapable of getting absorbed properly or completely into the system.

Losing Minerals from the Body

Now there is another group of individuals who may be consuming and absorbing all the right amounts of minerals from their diet or through the mineral supplements that they consume, but still suffer from mineral deficiency diseases. These are the ones that are losing the minerals from the body at a much faster pace than they could be absorbed via the diet.

The reasons for losing minerals could be many like suffering from long continued periods of stress, prolonged fatigue which in turn could be resulting from other health disorders like thyroid or adrenal dysfunctions.

Accumulation of negative energy in the body by way of negative thinking patterns, emotional and mental dysfunctions, fear, built up resentments and anger etc. can all leave an indelible mark on the system by rapidly depleting the body stores of its mineral reserves.

Another important factor that contributes towards mineral loss in majority of us is our unhealthy lifestyle pattern. We work late hours, stress ourselves too much, travel a lot, are exposed to a lot of pollution, skip meals, eat irregularly, sleep late and exercise very little or not at all. At least this part of our lives are under our complete control and we can choose to follow a healthier lifestyle if we want to.

Ensuring Quality of Mineral Supplements

Mineral supplements are freely available in the market but as with other things, the quality of each brand differs a lot from the other. Most of these supplements are either in the colloidal form or may be contaminated with heavy metals. It is quite obvious that the quality has been compromised to provide cheaper pricing.

Ensuring that the supplements you are using are of high quality also ensures that your body is able to utilize them properly and prevent mineral deficiency related disorders. One of the high quality supplements are the chelated mineral supplements. These are attached to an amino acid in order to make them highly absorbable by the body.