Exercises to Lose Weight for Women Who Hate the Gym


It does not take a scientist to figure out that you need to do exercises to lose weight if you want to maintain a slim and fit body. After all, diets and supplements and slimming products are only going to help you with weight loss for a temporary duration.

If you are truly seeking a permanent solution to lose weight you need to exercise and what other place works best for exercising other than the gym? But try saying that to some folks out there who hate the gym. If you belong to that group, then this post is going to make you very happy.

Why Do People Hate the Gym?

Well there could be a million reasons, but the commonest reason that gym haters cite is that the ambience is so boring and clinical and the exercises are so tedious. Okay but who said that only tedious exercises repeated mechanically like a robot can help you lose weight. What if I said that you could engage in exercises to lose weight and still have a lot of fun and enjoy your weight loss journey?

Yeah, you read that right! You could even dance your way to a slimmer and trimmer figure. Or maybe play like a little girl and still lose weight?

If you are still skeptic about giving up the routine gym exercises to lose weight then read on to find out the fun alternatives.

Slimming the Zumba Way

An electrifying dance workout routine, Zumba has fast caught on with the ‘in’ crowd at any gym or aerobic centre. An engaging potpourri of the various Latino dance styles, this dance workout was crafted by Beto Perez.

Samba, Merengue, Cumbia and Salsa define its simple yet challenging steps which are a reflection of the body twisting Latin dance moves. Zumba is the foremost amongst the fun exercises to keep fit.

Some Unique Features of Zumba

Depending upon the intensity and your personal fitness, some Zumba exponents claim to lose 350- 650 calories per hour in a single workout. Zumba uses a mixture of slow and fast dance rhythms in a method called interval training which boosts your metabolism and burns extra calories. One of the unique fun exercises to lose weight, Zumba workout programs can also be purchased and used at home.

Melt Fat by Belly Dance

Belly dancing has exploded into the fitne ss scene as one of the truly great fun exercises to keep fit. Though many dance schools are hosting belly dance programs, nowadays belly dance workout DVDs are widely available for you to practice at home.

Belly Dance offers the dual advantage of a toned physique along with weight loss due to the nature of the dance. The typical belly dance workout shapes your shoulders and hips in addition to toning your belly, thus giving an all body workout experience. Many variations are also possible in this dance involving hand held weights and yoga moves thus making it one of the truly fun exercises to keep fit.

Ball Room Dances

Ball room dances have become extremely popular exercises to lose weight due to the wide exposure received on TV. One of the foremost fun exercises to keep fit, ball room dancing can be learnt at formal dance schools and even self learnt by watching training DVDs. Ball room dancing works out various muscle groups offering a complete body workout. It uses muscles used in exercises like Pilates even while dancing the Waltz or Tango.

Exercises to lose weight need not be boring and tediously done in the gym. There are a lot of fun exercises to keep fit and dance your way to fitness.