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4 Effective Law of Attraction Weight Loss Strategies


Losing weight does not have to be the struggle that most people go through as they are trying to shed extra pounds.  Sometimes it is not a matter of ‘will power.’  It is a matter of ‘thought power.’

The universal law of attraction is at work all around you; why not apply these strategies to gain positive results in your weight loss goals.

Weight Loss Strategies

1. Change your perspective. You want to lose weight because you are not happy with the way your body looks now, right? This is ‘status quo’ thinking, everyone who is overweight thinks about how ugly they look or how obese they are. This is what you attract to yourself when you think like this. That is why diets usually do not work.

Begin to think like the slender person you want to be. Tell yourself that you look great. Say to yourself that you feel great, that you love the way your body looks. While that may not be true outwardly, these thoughts will attract positive changes to get to that point where these thoughts are truth. You will be slender and look and feel great.

2. Attract better eating habits. Chances are you have gained extra pounds because of your eating habits. Instead of focusing on the foods that you can no longer have, think about all of the healthy, great tasting foods that you can eat.

Tell yourself that you are making better food choices and that you love feeding your body with the foods that are the most nutritious and tasty. Affirm the belief that you are eating correct portion sizes to help your body be at its healthiest and most beautiful weight.

3. Attract better exercise habits. Exercise is just as important to losing weight as eating correctly. Some individuals just do not enjoy exercising. That may be because it is not something that they do regularly and have learned how wonderful you can feel with even just a modicum of exercise.

Begin with a short walk, even if it is only to the street in front of your house and back. Tell yourself that you feel wonderful when you exercise and it is an enjoyable way to keep your lovely body in shape. When you wake up each morning, affirm that you have the energy to get up and get moving. Your body will follow what your mind believes.

4. Use positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are the backbone of using the law of attraction for weight loss or any other area of your life. You may not have the belief that your body is attractive, but using positive affirmations will change your belief. Once your belief is in line with what you want to attract, your body will take action to make that belief a reality.

Here are a few positive affirmations for weight loss. Feel free to change these to suit your particular situation:

  • ‘My body is slender and beautiful.’
  • ‘I eat healthy, nutritious foods every day.’
  • ‘My energy level is high.’
  • ‘I love to exercise and feel that health releasing energy coursing through my body.’

Fat Loss Supplements as an Extra Means of Losing Weight

When you are trying to lose weight, you want every edge you can get. It takes so long to get the weight to drop off, if there is something you can take to give you a little better chance of dropping pounds, then you want to use it.

Losing weight can change how you see yourself and how you feel. Dropping weight and getting back to your ideal size is a great boost for the self esteem. You can feel more confident and ready to try new things once you see that you can take the extra weight off.

Best Supplements for Weight Loss

Some of the best fat loss supplements include E G C G. This is the substance found in green tea. This speeds up the processes in your body. But it does not make your heart race the way caffeine does. It’s been shown to help reduce belly fat.

Calcium is among those touted to be the best fat loss supplements. Although there is much buzz around calcium, there is no conclusive research to support this claim. But that doesn’t mean calcium is definitely not useful. There are some studies that have shown that people who have at least three servings of dairy each day low more weight, as long as the dairy is low fat.

Other studies have shown that women taking calcium supplements lost more weight than women who were not taking it. The studies showed efficacy at 1,000 mg a day. Many believe that calcium helps break down fat and keep the body from storing fat.

Thus, it does seem that Calcium is a fat loss supplement.

Another one the list of best fat loss supplements is Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA). This is a fat itself, so a lot of people are confused when thinking about CLA. But studies show that people drop fat and build lean mass while taking CLA.

Fiber can be counted among the best fat loss supplements as well. It makes you feel fuller and more satisfied. It keeps your stomach from emptying as quickly, which helps your attempts to diet. Studies show people who eat more fiber lose more weight. And fiber supplements help people lose weight.

Reservatol is also considered one of the best fat loss supplements on the market. It helps speed the metabolism.

Capsaicin is another on the list for best fat loss supplements. It not only increases metabolism, it slows the appetite as well. Your fat will decrease as well.

Apple cider vinegar will suppress the appetite, which will certainly help your efforts at fat loss.

Avoid bitter orange. Like ephedra, which has been taken off the market, this supplement will cause the heart to race and increase your blood pressure. It is not recommended for use.

Fenugreek is another supplement which can help you lose weight. When used in conjunction with resistance training, this supplement can help you lose more body fat.

Chromium helps your body keep its blood sugar levels steady. It also helps you drop fat and build muscle.

Cinnamon has been shown to help certain individuals lose weight. It is theorized that in people whose bodies have difficulty maintaining insulin levels and blood sugar, cinnamon can help steady those levels. This means less insulin in the body, which encourages the storage of fat.

Trying to Drop Pounds? Vegetarian Diet Might Be the Answer

A lot of people who are trying to lose weight think that if they just go vegetarian, they are all set. But the vegetarian diet is not inherently low calorie. If you are considering vegetarian hoping to drop pounds, you need to be sure to do a vegetarian diet for weight loss.

Trying to lose weight is taxing and tedious. Lots of people these days are not thrilled with their waistline and what the scale says. Trying to lose weight can make you feel desperate – especially if your efforts have not been successful. If you have tried everything, you may start thinking about becoming a vegetarian. After all, you have nothing to lose, except your unwanted weight, right?

But don’t think just because something is vegetarian it is healthy. The vegetarian diet includes carbohydrates, which can be high in calories and they also raise your insulin levels, which can be disastrous to your dieting efforts.

So if you want to do vegetarian diet for weight loss, you need to make the foundation of your diet fresh, whole vegetables. Avoid falling back on juices as a means of eating quickly. You want whole foods, not a processed version. Any time a food is processed, it is less healthy for you.

You want to limit your diet to fruits and vegetables as your main dish. Then add high fiber foods. Beans and nuts are great choices. Beans are filled with fiber and nuts give you good fat. Whole grains are fiber rich as well. Whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, and whole wheat tortillas work well. Brown rice is a good choice as well. Barley will serve your purposes.

There are so many people considering vegetarian diet for weight loss, there is even a Skinny Vegetarian book, which allows people to load up on desserts as long as they use raw sugar and maple syrup. This is likely not a great idea for people who want to lose weight.

The vegetarian diet for weight loss is full of whole foods and heavy on vegetables. Do not fall back on simple carbs, like those made from white flour. Pasta made from white flour, for example, is a simple carb. This will not do your waistline any favors.

It is important in a vegetarian diet for weight loss that you make sure to eat whole foods and make the healthiest choices.

Also be wary of soy. It can actually slow down your weight loss efforts. And it has been connected to some hormone conditions, such as thyroid disorders. Many vegetarians eat soy to serve as a source of protein, but be careful about eating too much.

You can have fats in your diet, as long as they are unsaturated fats. Olive oil, for example, is a heart healthy fat. Olives are also a good source of fats. Eating good fats help you feel sated, which is important in your weight loss efforts.

Make sure you don’t skip out on protein since you are not eating meat. Nuts, soy, and meat substitutes are good alternatives. (Just not too much soy!) Dairy products are also a good source of protein for the vegetarian as well.

Vegetarians are not all automatically skinny. They have to watch their diets just like the rest of us. Those who eat healthy have good waistlines.

Trying to be a Fat Burning Machine? Fat Burning Foods to the Rescue


If you are concerned about your weight, then you may be interested in fat burning foods for women. You’ve probably seen the news or heard through the grapevine that there are foods out there that will burn fat off your body.

Weight loss is slow and frustrating. It never happens fast enough. Most of us are not thrilled with how we look when we gaze into the mirror. One way to improve what we see is losing weight and dropping fat.

But there is so much conflicting information out there; you don’t want to waste time and money on things that don’t work. And, worse, you don’t want to eat things that will reverse your progress. Nothing is worse than trying something the ends up putting pounds on!

If you’re like many women looking for fat burning foods, then you must be wondering: Do these fat burning foods really work? Can I impact the number on the scale with these foods? Read on to check out these fat burning foods and see if they can work for you.

Vitamin C

You have likely heard the entire buzz about Vitamin C. This powerful vitamin burns your fat in a couple ways: your fat metabolism changes and your fat storage is impacted as well. You will flush more fat when you have Vitamin C in your system.

So, topping the list of fat burning foods for women are citrus fruits. Lemons, oranges, and grapefruits are all filled with Vitamin C. Don’t try to circumvent the process and have juice. You want the whole fruit.

But you can also eat red and green hot chili peppers, which are abundant in Vitamin C. Bell peppers are a good source as well. Broccoli and cauliflower are also great sources of Vitamin C. Strawberries are a good source of this vital vitamin as well.


Ginger is a vasodilator, so it works as another on the list of fat burning foods for women. Your blood vessels open way up, which boosts your metabolism.

Ginger and citrus flavors complement each other well, especially in Asian dishes. Experiment with this exotic blend, and you can lose weight without ever feeling deprived.


Milk is a huge fat burner. The calcium in milk helps to create a metabolic trigger in your body. You literally burn off your own fat.


Fiber is a great fat burner. It really expands in your stomach and makes you fill fuller. Oatmeal is on the list of fat burning foods for women. It breaks down slowly in your stomach so your insulin levels stay steadier.

The carbs in oatmeal provide a quick rise in energy to help you wake up faster. But the carbs are complex and get digested slowly, which keeps your energy up and your appetite low for hours after breakfast. As an added bonus, oatmeal lowers cholesterol, too!

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Olive oil has long been recommended by doctors for its heart health benefits. Olive oil contains unsaturated fat that increases the number of high-density lipids in the bloodstream. These lipids, also known as “good cholesterol”, or HDL, sweep bad cholesterol from the arteries. By substituting olive oil for butter and margarine, you can actually lower your bad cholesterol and increase your metabolism.

Green Tea

You have surely heard the buzz around green tea, which has been touted as a weight loss miracle. Green tea has EGCG in it, which speeds up the processes of the body except for your heart rate. So your metabolism goes into overdrive, which puts green tea on the list of  fat burning foods for women.

The problem with fat burning foods is that you have to consume a large amount of them to make a difference because their effect is quite slight. They do rev up the body, but the overall impact is not enough to cause them to be a weight loss method. You will still need to watch your diet and exercise.

Fat burning foods can’t hurt your efforts, but do not depend on them alone to get you to your weight loss goals. But these can be great add-ins to your weight loss efforts.

Belly Fat Blues? Best Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

There are no exercises for women to lose belly fat. There are, however, exercises to tighten up the muscles underneath that belly fat. That way, once you lose the fat on top, you have beautiful ab muscles underneath. Plus, the added muscle will help burn calories, which helps lose belly fat as well.

Belly fat is the most dangerous fat out there. Your diet contributes heavily to your belly fat. Do not rely on exercise alone.

Side Plank

The side plank is one of the best exercises to lose belly fat because it works your core very hard. You are essentially supporting your entire body weight on two points. That is some serious resistance training.

You perform this exercise by lying down on one side. Position your elbow right under your shoulder. Place your legs right on top of each other. Your free hand can rest on your hip or your shoulder.

Contract your abs, and pull your hips off the floor. You should be balanced on your feet and your forearm. Your body is at an angle. Work up to being able to hold that pose for thirty to forty-five seconds. Repeat on the other side.

Walkout from Push up Position

This exercise done from the push up position will give you killer abs and ranks high on the list of best exercises to lose belly fat. You assume the push up position and walk your hands out as far as you can without collapsing and then walk them back in. Repeat ten to twelve times.

To make this harder, you can lift one leg at a time.

Steal Poses from Yoga for Your abs

When it comes to stress reduction and core strength building, it’s hard to beat yoga in terms of efficiency. Yoga can reduce the production of stress hormones and strengthen your abdominal muscles, making it an excellent exercise to lose belly fat.

Whenever your body is stressed out (due to mental or emotional stress, illness, injury, or the overuse of stimulants), it responds with an attempt at self-preservation. Your brain releases the hormone cortisol, which tells your body to start storing fat – particularly around the waist. This response is a throwback to the days when our ancestors had to survive times of famine.

Yoga includes breathing and stretching exercises that relieve muscle tension and reduce the production of cortisol. Yoga also places an emphasis on relaxed, flowing motions. It can be used to calm the mind, slow down the heart, and lower blood pressure.

In addition to these benefits, many yoga poses are highly efficient for toning your midsection. The Boat Pose will work your abdominal muscles. Begin in a seated position. Bend your knees, put your feet on the floor. Lean your upper body back and extend your hands beside your legs. As you advance, lift the legs into the air.

Cardio for Losing Belly Fat

One of the best exercises to lose belly fat is cardio because it helps you drop fat, which exposes the ab muscles you have worked on. It doesn’t have to be hardcore, running, etc. Thirty minutes a day of you breaking a sweat will suffice.

Resistance Training for Belly Fat

Resistance training will help because it improves your metabolism. That makes any kind of resistance training one of the best exercises to lose belly fat because the more calories you burn at rest, the less fat you carry overall.

Building muscle all over the body is a great way to lose belly fat and other fat because you are now burning more calories all over. This means you will drop more fat unless you eat to make up for it.

But there are specific resistance exercises for your abdominal. You can do crunches and there are literally hundreds of variations on them. But don’t neglect the other parts of your body as well. The more muscle you build all over the more fat you burn when you are not working out.

You cannot spot reduce. So the best way to drop belly fat is to drop fat period. When you drop fat all over, you naturally reduce your belly fat as well. So your overall goal should be to reduce fat over the length of your body.

Thunder Thighs? How to Lose Fat off Thighs


If you want to know how to lose fat off thighs, then you are in good company. Many women feel frustrated by the size of their thighs and cannot figure out what to do get their thighs slimmer and sexier.

The secret to how to lose fat from thighs is in your diet and exercise regimen. You cannot spot reduce. That is, you cannot make just one spot smaller and leave the rest of your body the same size.

Thigh fat is reduced by reducing overall fat. That is how you ultimately reduce thigh fat.

If you want to know how to lose fat off your thighs, you need to first examine your diet. Many women wish they had thin, slender thighs, and felt sexier with their clothes off. Trying these approaches to lose fat off your thighs will give you good results.


If you eat a diet that’s heavy in saturated fats, sugars, and sodium, you will retain fluid and fat. If you’re genetically predisposed to have fat thighs, these foods can mean big trouble.

Do your metabolism a favor and help it out by eating 5 or 6 small meals a day. This helps you avoid the “stop-and-start” effect that you get by eating 3 large meals daily. Small, frequent meals keep your metabolism working steadily, all day long.

Remove refined sugars from your diet. And avoid artificial sugars as well. Load up on vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and lean protein. Drink plenty of water. Eat as many whole foods as possible. The more processed foods in your diet, the more you will struggle with your weight and body.


Cardio is important for your heart and your waistline. Pick an activity that you like. That will keep you doing it consistently. That is the key to reduction: consistency. You must stick with your diet and exercise plan. Otherwise, you will not get the results you want.

You want to work up a sweat thirty minutes a day most days of the week. That can be through swimming, running, playing a sport, walking the dog, or taking an exercise class.

Resistance training will help you by building muscle, which burns more fat. You will even burn fat at rest, which helps you lose weight.

You can choose to do exercises that will firm up the muscles in your thighs. Lunges are terrific for your thighs. So are squats. Both will work the quads and to a lesser extent your hamstrings. Leg curls will work your hamstrings, which run up the back of your thighs and help give you a toned look. If you have access to a gym, you can do leg presses and weighted leg curls.


Many people swear by yoga as a means to finally figure out how to lose fat from thighs. Many of the poses will work the muscles in the thighs, which is beneficial to the overall look of your legs.

Poses which require you to hold your body weight will build your leg muscles. Any standing pose held will work the thighs.

The breathing exercises are also beneficial to your weight as well. Yoga also helps give you balance in your life, which is also a good thing. (You may not even care as much about your thighs and be kinder to yourself when you look in the mirror.)

If you want to know how to lose fat off thighs, then you want to follow a healthy lifestyle. Carefully choose the fuel you place in your mouth. Eat well, exercise, and do resistance training. These steps will give you the look you want.

Slender thighs give you a sleeker, sexier look. You will find buying pants and shorts will be easier. You will be happier with your body all the way around.

Hoping for Less of You Love? How to Get Rid of Love Handles


If you are wondering how to get rid of love handles, you’re not alone. Most people have things about their bodies they wish they could change. Lumps and bumps we grimace at in the mirror, wishing them away.

One of the lumps and bumps you may want to get rid of could be love handles. But a lot of women do not know how to get rid of love handles. They can be tricky for certain.

After all, it is impossible to spot reduce. You cannot do a set of exercises and simply shrink one area. Weight loss and reduction does not work like that.

Some things do cause your love handles to be more prominent than other times. Extra weight, alcohol, and excess sodium are examples.

In general, love handles are caused by excess weight. If you lose the excess, they will diminish. But some people who are slender have them. Then they’re really wondering how to get rid of love handles.


Too much insulin in your system will encourage the collection of fat around your midsection. If you have a genetic tendency toward love handles, then it will accumulate there. As long as you have too much insulin, you cannot shake that extra flab.

You can keep your insulin levels low by controlling your diet. Eliminating insulin provoking foods such as sugar, artificial sweetners, most fruits, and white flour will help. Making sure you eat protein with complex carbs and low glycemic index fruits will help as well.

Doctors recommend heart-healthy fats, like those found in olive oil, nuts, and salmon; 3 servings of calcium from green, leafy vegetables or dairy products; and plenty of fiber from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

These foods are digested slowly leaving you to feel satisfied for longer. Add some green tea to your diet for an extra fat-burning boost. Three cups a day will speed up your metabolism and ward off diseases.


Sodium causes water retention. We retain water all over, but it settles in spots where we tend to harbor fat. So the more salt you eat, the more bloat, the more pronounced those love handles are.

And you need to watch more than the salt shaker. Salt is hidden in a lot of foods too.


Exercise is important for overall health and can help decrease excess fat, which helps in your mission to discover how to get rid of love handles. Cardio helps you to lose fat all over. So does weight training.

Don’t think you have to live at the gym to get the job done. A moderate amount of exercise daily and resistance training a few times a week will do well.

You will be able to get rid of love handles quickly by doing exercises that were found by the American Council on Exercise to be the very best ones for working your obliques: Bicycle crunches, captain’s chair leg raises, and vertical leg crunches.

Bicycle crunches involve lying down on your back and doing crunch-twists while pedaling your legs as if you were riding a bicycle. Captain’s chair leg raises require the use of a captain’s chair, which is a common fixture in most gyms. Vertical leg crunches are performed like regular crunches, but with your legs raised perpendicular to the ground.


Reducing your alcoholic intake will reduce the look of your love handles. For one thing, alcohol has the worst kind of carbs for your insulin levels. Each time you drink, you are shooting up your insulin levels. All that insulin in your bloodstream just keeps extra flab on your midsection.


The way your clothes fit can create the illusion of love handles or the illusion of a lack of love handles.

If your clothes are too tight or cling to that area, you are not doing yourself a service. One way to figure out how to get rid of love handles, is to dress in a way that minimizes them.

Weight loss takes consistency.

Find something you like doing and do it routinely. Or double up and do something you have to do but work up a sweat at it. Walking the dog can become exercise.

The way to lose love handles is to drop excess fat and avoid things that make them more noticeable.

Got the Baby Flab? How to Lose Weight after Pregnancy


If you are a new mom, you may be wondering how to lose weight after pregnancy. Although you’re thrilled with your new bundle of joy, you may be less than enamored with other bundles leftover from your pregnancy. Those bulges and lumps in spots where you didn’t used to be concerned about your body can be downright depressing when you look in mirror.

Many women feel that after pregnancy their body is unrecognizable. They may struggle with
how to lose weight after pregnancy. And many women feel that it is impossible to do. Indeed, it can seem overwhelming, but is it not hopeless. It can be done.

The biggest thing to work on when you’re struggling with how to lose weight after pregnancy is your diet. Like the saying goes: ‘You can’t outrun a bad diet.’ It all starts with the fuel you’re giving your body.

Eat Nutritious Foods

Feed your body whole grains, lean proteins, vegetables, and healthy fats. Avoid fad diets that ask you to starve yourself. You are trying to care for a baby. You need your strength. And starvation never works long term. In fact, it can cause a rebounding effect and make it harder to lose weight later.

Eat smaller meals throughout the day to keep from crashing and binging. Also, reduce insulin spiking foods such as diet drinks, artificial sugars, high glycemic index fruits (bananas, raisins, watermelon, and pineapples, for example), cookies, cakes, and simple carbs like white bread and pasta.

Insulin spikes are a problem because they cause the body to hold onto fat. Additionally, they make you ravenous. So you will overeat.

Eat your complex carbs and low glycemic fruits with lean protein to help keep levels steady.

Don’t Substitute Caffeine

Caffeine helps create a vicious cycle. When we use it to make up for our lack of sleep, we create a vicious cycle. Caffeine revs your heart rate and if you are breastfeeding it is not good for baby.

Above all, be kind to yourself. You just did a miraculous thing! You grew a baby in your body! Now you have your precious bundle to love. Love yourself as well. The weight will come off if you’re consistent.

Exercise with the Baby

Exercise is an important component in the how to lose weight after pregnancy battle. You don’t need fancy equipment or a gym membership. You don’t need to log hours of cardio either. That’s decades-old advice. We now know that breaking a sweat for thirty minutes or so every other day and doing some resistance training the other days of the week will get you there.

Weight loss need not be a solo act. You can lose weight after pregnancy – and have lots of fun at the same time – when you bring baby along with you. Join one of the online communities to connect with other new moms in your area who might want to join you for stroller walks and swimming with their little ones. You can find out baby-and-me exercise classes at your local recreation center.

A brisk walk with baby on cardio days, and squats, lunges and push-ups on resistance days will do just fine. If you prefer to spend time just with your baby, go for long walks while you push them in their stroller. Try to vary the locations of your walks by strolling at the zoo, the mall, a local park, or just around your neighborhood. When your baby starts walking on their own, take them to a playground and run and play like they do.

Look for Support

Support networks are very important for new moms. Many women who try to lose weight after pregnancy find that it’s just too hard to do it alone. Whether they provide babysitting service or a morale boost, friends and family can play a vital role in your success.

It’s also important to connect with other new moms who are facing the same struggles as you. Find a good community of new moms who are trying to lose weight. Read about their obstacles and how they have learned to overcome them. Then share your own tips for success. You’ll be surprised by how good it feels to know you’re not alone.


Be patient when trying to figure out how to lose weight after pregnancy. You didn’t put the baby weight on overnight and you won’t drop it in that time either. Aim for 1-2 pounds a week, which will accumulate and leave you set up to keep the weight off.

Don’t Skimp on Sleep!

As a new mom, you are probably not getting a lot of rest. (Another reason you need proper fuel and to avoid overdoing cardio.) Try to get as much rest as you can. If possible, nap with the baby. Call in reinforcements. Get help and relief from wherever you can get it.

Pregnancy is hard on the body, and the added stress that a newborn brings can leave you feeling exhausted fast. At least 3 times per week, get your spouse or a friend or relative to respond to the baby’s cries while you get 8 – 10 hours of sleep. Use ear plugs if you need to. The high-quality sleep will help you in many ways.

Breastfeeding moms might have to wait a little longer before adequate sleep becomes a regular part of life. Just catch naps when you can, and remember that, someday soon, your baby (and you) will be sleeping through the night.

If Spot-Reducing Doesn’t Work, How do I Reduce My Tummy Fat?


A lot of people are looking at their midsection and wondering how to reduce tummy fat. Many women find that even when they are lean and slender, they cannot totally rid their midsection of flabby skin. And they cannot figure out why.

For decades, we told people to work their abs over and over in order to make their stomachs smaller. We now know that you cannot spot reduce your body. Some of us are wired up in a manner that causes any weight gain we have to settle in certain spots.

However, if you really want to know how to reduce tummy fat, you can learn to drop it through your diet.

Foods that Reduce Tummy Fat

When your body has too much insulin, you will carry more weight around your midsection. Many women report that after hitting a certain age they will suddenly begin to get extra flab about their midsection after a lifetime of being more pear-shaped. “I’m losing my waist!” they cry.

Often this is due to having too much insulin in the bloodstream. How does that happen? When we eat foods with sugar in them—fruits, carbohydrates, sugary drinks, cookies, etc.—our bodies dump insulin into our bloodstreams. If it tastes sweet, then your body thinks it is sugar and releases insulin. Too much insulin in your body causes you to hold onto fat, which is largely stored around your midsection.

Another issue is that all that insulin in your bloodstream causes you to be hungry. Then you overeat, which isn’t helping your fat storage as well.

For this reason, you want to stick to healthy, whole foods. The cleaner your diet, the less insulin in your bloodstream, the less fat around your waist.

Many people who go on low to no carb diets often have a two-week phase at the onset of no carbs. They often report a sudden loss of weight around their stomach. The reason is simple. When you store insulin, your kidneys start to retain sodium and water—partly out of confusion and trying to correct this imbalance. When you abruptly remove those foods which drive up your insulin levels, the kidneys release all that. It is like having your kidneys wrung out like a sponge.

Opt for lean meats, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts. Healthy fats like avocados and olives will help. And what fruits you do eat should be low on the glycemic index so as to avoid an insulin dump.

If you cannot bring yourself to give up caffeine, switch to green tea instead of coffee. The tea contains enough caffeine to perk you up, plus phytonutrients that provide a host of other health benefits, including a faster metabolism!

When you know how to eat, you know how to reduce tummy fat. Tummy fat often comes from your diet. So the best way to solve it is through your diet.

Exercises that Reduce Tummy Fat

Diet is one side of the weight loss equation. The other way that will show you how to reduce tummy fat is exercise. This helps keep those insulin levels low. It doesn’t have to be fancy. A brisk walk for thirty minutes, 3 times a week will do the trick. You don’t have to run for hours or crunch hundreds of times. For example, you might work your arms and shoulders on Monday, your abs and core on Wednesday, and your legs and lower body on Friday.

Start each day with breakfast so your insulin doesn’t get out of whack. Always eat your whole grains and fruits with protein. Eat the protein first so the stomach gets busy digesting that. This way when the glucose hits your system, there won’t be a big burst of insulin.

While it is not possible just targeting your abdominal fat, cardio and strength training will help you reduce your overall body fat percentage. You can also do exercises that isolate your abdominal muscles, giving you a shapely six-pack that will emerge as soon as the extra fat is gone.

Take time in between sessions to rest, and always stay hydrated! Your body won’t burn fat as efficiently if you don’t drink enough fluids. Aim for 64 ounces of pure water daily, or as much as 1 ounce per pound of body weight.

When you know how to eat and exercise properly, how to reduce tummy fat becomes a backburner issue that will take care of itself.

How to Lose Calories? Calorie Deficits Burn off the Pounds


If you are like most women, you probably want to know how to lose calories. Weight, body shape, and how you look is a primary concern for just about everyone, but the pressure for women to look good is more intense.

If you’re concerned about dropping pounds, then you have to create a calorie deficit. That means that you have to burn more calories than you take in. But how do you do that?

There are two ways you can create a calorie deficit: exercise and diet.

How to Lose Calories through Exercise

Many people opt to reduce their daily calories through exercise. The first step is to figure out how many calories you need to eat each day in order to maintain your current weight and how many to drop weight.

There are calorie calculators that will tell you the number of calories you need based upon your height, weight, gender, level of activity. Typically to reduce your weight, you want to drop your calorie intake by 500. But you can also opt to simply keep your intake the same and burn off 500 calories through exercise.

Running, walking, swimming, yoga, or group exercise classes all work well. There’s no magic exercise that will turn the key and make you able to drop weight. The best exercise is the one you will do consistently. So find an activity you enjoy and do it.

Many people find they will stick with exercise when they have a buddy. If you can find someone to do your activity with, you will stick with it. You will feel accountable to the other person and show up even when you don’t want to.

The trick to how to lose calories is often about outsmarting yourself. If you don’t like exercise, you can outsmart yourself by choosing activities that don’t seem quite so much like exercise and choose to do it with someone who makes it feel less like exercise.

The caveat to this method is that many people find themselves ravenous when they exercise heavily. You have to resist the urge to eat more than you should. If you take in more calories than you burned, you not only aren’t losing weight, you could be putting weight on. If you do need to eat after exercise, make sure to snack healthy.

How to Lose Calories through Diet

You can also opt to reduce your caloric intake to create the calorie deficit. This doesn’t have to be painful. You can make replacements and substitutions in your diet. If you read labels carefully you may often find that simple shifts can shave off calories without compromising taste.

However, do not fall into the “fat-free” trap. Many people think if they replace things with the “fat-free” version of something they are doing themselves a favor. But that’s not the case. You’d do better with the full flavor version in a smaller serving. The fat in food signals your appetite and creates satiety. And often “fat-free” versions are not less in calories.

But you can eat smaller servings. Make dietary choices that aren’t from a bag or a box. First, foods from these containers are likely not healthy. Secondly, you can’t judge how much you’ve eaten. Take the food out and put it on a plate. Eat foods full in fiber, which will stave off hunger.

How to Lose Calories through Both Exercise and Diet

Many people opt to combine reducing calories and exercise to create their deficit. This way you can cut out 250 calories from your diet and burn off 250 calories.

Build in extra movement wherever possible. Take the stairs. Park further away. But don’t include these activities in your calorie count. Just let that be extra activity. Every little bit helps.

You can create a calorie deficit and stick with it. If you stay consistent, then you will drop weight.