4 Effective Law of Attraction Weight Loss Strategies


Losing weight does not have to be the struggle that most people go through as they are trying to shed extra pounds.  Sometimes it is not a matter of ‘will power.’  It is a matter of ‘thought power.’

The universal law of attraction is at work all around you; why not apply these strategies to gain positive results in your weight loss goals.

Weight Loss Strategies

1. Change your perspective. You want to lose weight because you are not happy with the way your body looks now, right? This is ‘status quo’ thinking, everyone who is overweight thinks about how ugly they look or how obese they are. This is what you attract to yourself when you think like this. That is why diets usually do not work.

Begin to think like the slender person you want to be. Tell yourself that you look great. Say to yourself that you feel great, that you love the way your body looks. While that may not be true outwardly, these thoughts will attract positive changes to get to that point where these thoughts are truth. You will be slender and look and feel great.

2. Attract better eating habits. Chances are you have gained extra pounds because of your eating habits. Instead of focusing on the foods that you can no longer have, think about all of the healthy, great tasting foods that you can eat.

Tell yourself that you are making better food choices and that you love feeding your body with the foods that are the most nutritious and tasty. Affirm the belief that you are eating correct portion sizes to help your body be at its healthiest and most beautiful weight.

3. Attract better exercise habits. Exercise is just as important to losing weight as eating correctly. Some individuals just do not enjoy exercising. That may be because it is not something that they do regularly and have learned how wonderful you can feel with even just a modicum of exercise.

Begin with a short walk, even if it is only to the street in front of your house and back. Tell yourself that you feel wonderful when you exercise and it is an enjoyable way to keep your lovely body in shape. When you wake up each morning, affirm that you have the energy to get up and get moving. Your body will follow what your mind believes.

4. Use positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are the backbone of using the law of attraction for weight loss or any other area of your life. You may not have the belief that your body is attractive, but using positive affirmations will change your belief. Once your belief is in line with what you want to attract, your body will take action to make that belief a reality.

Here are a few positive affirmations for weight loss. Feel free to change these to suit your particular situation:

  • ‘My body is slender and beautiful.’
  • ‘I eat healthy, nutritious foods every day.’
  • ‘My energy level is high.’
  • ‘I love to exercise and feel that health releasing energy coursing through my body.’