Reasons to Try Juicing For Weight Loss


Juicing for weight loss is a great choice to try out when your goal is to quickly shed the extra inches and pounds that you lug around. It is also a wonderful way to bring a much needed momentum to a weight loss regime that has come to a stubborn standstill.

Important Basics of Losing Weight

Most people struggle to keep their weights within the normal and recommended healthy range. Understanding the basics of how your body loses or gains weight will go a long way in equipping you to handle your body weight issues better.

Body weight is all about how the body is conducting the consumption of calories and subsequent burning of these very same calories. When the calories that you consume are more than what you accomplish burning off, then there is a resultant surplus of calories in the body which is translated into weight gain. So by common logic it is evident that you will need to burn more calories than you consume if your aim is to shed extra weight.

Now you need to engage in strenuous activities to burn off calories and the catch is that you need energy to do these strenuous activities. This will again bring you to consuming calories in the first place.

But if you are smart enough you can circumvent this issue of eating more calories to provide energy for strenuous calorie burning activities. You must scrutinize your diet to sort the nutrient rich stuff from the nutrient poor ones. To the body both types of foods are good enough to satisfy the craving for food or to appease your hunger. But making a conscious choice to select only the nutrient rich foods in your diet can help you immensely in managing your body weight better.

Juicing For Weight Loss and More

When you choose to use juices of fruits and vegetables to satisfy your hunger pangs, you are actually making a healthy choice. As you already are aware, fruits and vegetables are storehouses of energy and nutrients and as described in the previous section, you are actually helping your body to lose weight by doing so.

But it is also quite important to note that juicing has other benefits in addition to bringing about weight loss. Adopting juices in your diet can prove to be extremely beneficial to your body as they help immensely in detoxifying the blood and thereby reducing the liver of the burden of toxins that have been sourced from unhealthy dietary habits, environmental factors and abuse of medications.

How to Get Maximum Benefit from Juicing?

Juicing, as explained above, can indeed turn out to be quite advantageous, but you must be aware of certain crucial points in order to derive the maximum benefits out of this healthy dietary habit.

The first and foremost thing to note is that when you decide to switch to juicing, use only the best quality of fruits and vegetables for this purpose. When you speak of quality of fruits and veggies, you need to know that fertilizers and pesticides used in cultivation of these health foods can prove to be more dangerous than beneficial. It is better to use organic variety as much as possible.

Secondly, you must use all of these foodstuffs in their raw and uncooked form in order to get maximum benefit.

Thirdly, you must exercise actively because as mentioned in the previous section, juicing can help in detoxification. Active exercise combined with juicing can help in better elimination of toxins.

Fourthly, avoid unhealthy foods like sugars, fats, junk food etc. when juicing.