3-Step, Science-Based, Diet Plan to Lose Weight Fast


THREE STEPS is all you need to follow if you’re looking for an answer to the question “how to lose weight fast”.

But, mind you, these three steps are not as easy as one, two, three. That is not to say they are very hard to follow. Many use this 3-step plan to lose weight quickly—and so can you.

The 3-step plan shared below will:

  • Decrease your appetite.
  • Make you lose weight quickly, without feeling pangs of hunger several times each day.
  • Increase your metabolism.

Science backs all of this, and that’s why the plan works so well.

Step 1 – Reduce the Intake of Sugars and Starches

The first step is to consume fewer sugars and starches.

Both trigger secretion of insulin, the main fat storage hormone in our body. Dropping levels of insulin make it easier for the fat to come out of the fat stores and for the body to burn it in place of carbs.

Lower insulin also makes it easy for the kidneys to lose throw extra sodium and water out of the body. This in turn allows you to shed excess water weight.

You can lose 10 pounds or even more by restricting the intake of sugars and starch. Studies show that dieters who eat low-carb foods to their normal capacity lose more weight than those on a calorie-restricted diet.

Step 2 – Eat protein, Vegetables, and Fat

Each meal must have a protein source, low-carb vegetables, and a fat source. This way you’ll able to bring down your daily carb intake within the recommended range, which is 20 to 50 gm.

Protein Sources:

  • Eggs – Pastured eggs are a good choice, so are Omega-3 enriched eggs.
  • Meat – Chicken, beef, lamb, bacon, pork, etc.
  • Fish & Seafood – Shrimps, lobsters, trout, etc.

Eating plentiful of protein gives many benefits.

A protein-rich diet increases the metabolism by no less than 80 calories per day. It also keeps you full for longer time, so that you eat less without trying. According to a study, participants on a protein-rich diet consumed over 400 fewer calories each day than those on a carb-rich diet.

Increasing your protein intake also reduces obsessive thoughts related to food by as much as 60% and snacking in night by almost 50%.

In short, when it comes to losing weight, protein is your best friend. Period.

Low-Carb Vegetables:

  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Cabbage
  • Brussels Sprout
  • Lettuce
  • Celery
  • Cucumber
  • Swiss Chard

This is one type of food that you can eat as much as you want, simply because they don’t increase your overall carb intake by much.

A meat and vegetables based diet provides you all the nutrients (vitamins, minerals, and fiber) you need for good health.

Fat Sources:

  • Coconut oil
  • Olive oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Tallow
  • Butter

Aim for 2 to 3 meals a day. If 3 meals prove insufficient, add another meal.

Fat has got a lot of flak in recent years, but truth is not all fats are bad. Avoid doing low-fat and low-carbs simultaneously, as often dieters give up midway when they seriously cut down both.

Coconut oil is an excellent cooking fat. It has Medium Chain Triglycerides in high amounts, which are more filling than other types of fat and also improve metabolism by little.

Step 3 – Do Weight Training 3 Times a Week

Exercise is not a compulsory part of this weight-loss plan, but it is highly recommended.

Without it, too, you will get good weight loss results. Regular exercise, however, can prevent muscle mass loss and improve the results of dieting.

The best thing to do is lift weights 3 to 4 times a week. Find a good gym close to your house and follow a moderate exercise regime of 40 to 60 minutes, starting with a warm up, followed by lifting weights, and then some stretching.

If you’ve not lifted weights before, ask your gym trainer for advice. If you have certain health issues, consult a doctor before starting. If lifting weights is not an option, 30-40 minutes of cardio exercises, like brisk walking, swimming, or jogging, will be sufficient.

Do you need to count calories?

There’s actually no real need to count calories if you are eating meals comprising of protein, fat, and low-carb vegetables. The primary goal is to limit your daily carb intake to 20-50 grams and obtain the remaining calories from protein and fat.

But if you want to count calories, you can use any free calorie calculators. There are many such calculators available for free use on the Internet.

Seven Additional Tips to Make Dieting Easier and Weight Loss Faster

Shared ahead are 7 tips to improve your weight loss results further.

  1. Drink Coffee: Caffeine, study shows, improves metabolism. If you are coffee drinker, don’t pull back your hand when it reaches for a cup of your favorite drink, unless you drink more than four cups a day. Coffee, however, should be avoided in the evening. Drinking coffee up to six hours before sleep time can affect your sleep, which is equally important for losing weight.
  2. Sleep Better: Poor sleep is linked with obesity and a host of other health conditions. Try to get 7-9 hours of sleep every night; six hours is bare minimum.
  3. Drink Water: Half a liter of water taken thirty minutes before meal leads to consumption of fewer calories and improves weight loss by almost 45%, according to a study.
  4. Eat Viscous Fiber: There is evidence that viscous fiber supplements aids weight loss.
  5. Eat a High-Protein Meal in Breakfast: A high-protein meal in the morning in place of a grain-based meal can help you lose as much as 60% more weight.
  6. Use a Smaller Plate: You eat less when you use a smaller plate. In a study, participants who used a 10-inch plate instead of a 12-inch consumed 22% less calories. Strange, but true!
  7. Eat slowly: Our brains take about 20 minutes to register that we’ve eaten enough. When you eat fast, you continue eating past the point where you’re full. On the other hand, eating slowly allows you to just that much food that you need.

Three Final Points

A diet around protein, fat, and low-carb vegetables helps you lose two or three times more weight than a calorie-restricted and low-fat diet.

Another benefit is that lower carb intake reduces the level of insulin, which in turn alters the hormonal environment in a healthy way and makes losing weight much easier.

The initial water weight loss is high in this diet. This is especially welcoming for the impatient dieters. Seeing the weighing scale throwing up a lower number early into the diet can keep the spirits high, which can make a world of difference to how one approaches dieting.

When losing weight fast (or even otherwise) is the aim, it is most advantageous to go with a science-based diet plan, like this one. This 3-step plan works for everyone and works much better than other diet plans.