Got the Baby Flab? How to Lose Weight after Pregnancy


If you are a new mom, you may be wondering how to lose weight after pregnancy. Although you’re thrilled with your new bundle of joy, you may be less than enamored with other bundles leftover from your pregnancy. Those bulges and lumps in spots where you didn’t used to be concerned about your body can be downright depressing when you look in mirror.

Many women feel that after pregnancy their body is unrecognizable. They may struggle with
how to lose weight after pregnancy. And many women feel that it is impossible to do. Indeed, it can seem overwhelming, but is it not hopeless. It can be done.

The biggest thing to work on when you’re struggling with how to lose weight after pregnancy is your diet. Like the saying goes: ‘You can’t outrun a bad diet.’ It all starts with the fuel you’re giving your body.

Eat Nutritious Foods

Feed your body whole grains, lean proteins, vegetables, and healthy fats. Avoid fad diets that ask you to starve yourself. You are trying to care for a baby. You need your strength. And starvation never works long term. In fact, it can cause a rebounding effect and make it harder to lose weight later.

Eat smaller meals throughout the day to keep from crashing and binging. Also, reduce insulin spiking foods such as diet drinks, artificial sugars, high glycemic index fruits (bananas, raisins, watermelon, and pineapples, for example), cookies, cakes, and simple carbs like white bread and pasta.

Insulin spikes are a problem because they cause the body to hold onto fat. Additionally, they make you ravenous. So you will overeat.

Eat your complex carbs and low glycemic fruits with lean protein to help keep levels steady.

Don’t Substitute Caffeine

Caffeine helps create a vicious cycle. When we use it to make up for our lack of sleep, we create a vicious cycle. Caffeine revs your heart rate and if you are breastfeeding it is not good for baby.

Above all, be kind to yourself. You just did a miraculous thing! You grew a baby in your body! Now you have your precious bundle to love. Love yourself as well. The weight will come off if you’re consistent.

Exercise with the Baby

Exercise is an important component in the how to lose weight after pregnancy battle. You don’t need fancy equipment or a gym membership. You don’t need to log hours of cardio either. That’s decades-old advice. We now know that breaking a sweat for thirty minutes or so every other day and doing some resistance training the other days of the week will get you there.

Weight loss need not be a solo act. You can lose weight after pregnancy – and have lots of fun at the same time – when you bring baby along with you. Join one of the online communities to connect with other new moms in your area who might want to join you for stroller walks and swimming with their little ones. You can find out baby-and-me exercise classes at your local recreation center.

A brisk walk with baby on cardio days, and squats, lunges and push-ups on resistance days will do just fine. If you prefer to spend time just with your baby, go for long walks while you push them in their stroller. Try to vary the locations of your walks by strolling at the zoo, the mall, a local park, or just around your neighborhood. When your baby starts walking on their own, take them to a playground and run and play like they do.

Look for Support

Support networks are very important for new moms. Many women who try to lose weight after pregnancy find that it’s just too hard to do it alone. Whether they provide babysitting service or a morale boost, friends and family can play a vital role in your success.

It’s also important to connect with other new moms who are facing the same struggles as you. Find a good community of new moms who are trying to lose weight. Read about their obstacles and how they have learned to overcome them. Then share your own tips for success. You’ll be surprised by how good it feels to know you’re not alone.


Be patient when trying to figure out how to lose weight after pregnancy. You didn’t put the baby weight on overnight and you won’t drop it in that time either. Aim for 1-2 pounds a week, which will accumulate and leave you set up to keep the weight off.

Don’t Skimp on Sleep!

As a new mom, you are probably not getting a lot of rest. (Another reason you need proper fuel and to avoid overdoing cardio.) Try to get as much rest as you can. If possible, nap with the baby. Call in reinforcements. Get help and relief from wherever you can get it.

Pregnancy is hard on the body, and the added stress that a newborn brings can leave you feeling exhausted fast. At least 3 times per week, get your spouse or a friend or relative to respond to the baby’s cries while you get 8 – 10 hours of sleep. Use ear plugs if you need to. The high-quality sleep will help you in many ways.

Breastfeeding moms might have to wait a little longer before adequate sleep becomes a regular part of life. Just catch naps when you can, and remember that, someday soon, your baby (and you) will be sleeping through the night.