Thunder Thighs? How to Lose Fat off Thighs


If you want to know how to lose fat off thighs, then you are in good company. Many women feel frustrated by the size of their thighs and cannot figure out what to do get their thighs slimmer and sexier.

The secret to how to lose fat from thighs is in your diet and exercise regimen. You cannot spot reduce. That is, you cannot make just one spot smaller and leave the rest of your body the same size.

Thigh fat is reduced by reducing overall fat. That is how you ultimately reduce thigh fat.

If you want to know how to lose fat off your thighs, you need to first examine your diet. Many women wish they had thin, slender thighs, and felt sexier with their clothes off. Trying these approaches to lose fat off your thighs will give you good results.


If you eat a diet that’s heavy in saturated fats, sugars, and sodium, you will retain fluid and fat. If you’re genetically predisposed to have fat thighs, these foods can mean big trouble.

Do your metabolism a favor and help it out by eating 5 or 6 small meals a day. This helps you avoid the “stop-and-start” effect that you get by eating 3 large meals daily. Small, frequent meals keep your metabolism working steadily, all day long.

Remove refined sugars from your diet. And avoid artificial sugars as well. Load up on vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and lean protein. Drink plenty of water. Eat as many whole foods as possible. The more processed foods in your diet, the more you will struggle with your weight and body.


Cardio is important for your heart and your waistline. Pick an activity that you like. That will keep you doing it consistently. That is the key to reduction: consistency. You must stick with your diet and exercise plan. Otherwise, you will not get the results you want.

You want to work up a sweat thirty minutes a day most days of the week. That can be through swimming, running, playing a sport, walking the dog, or taking an exercise class.

Resistance training will help you by building muscle, which burns more fat. You will even burn fat at rest, which helps you lose weight.

You can choose to do exercises that will firm up the muscles in your thighs. Lunges are terrific for your thighs. So are squats. Both will work the quads and to a lesser extent your hamstrings. Leg curls will work your hamstrings, which run up the back of your thighs and help give you a toned look. If you have access to a gym, you can do leg presses and weighted leg curls.


Many people swear by yoga as a means to finally figure out how to lose fat from thighs. Many of the poses will work the muscles in the thighs, which is beneficial to the overall look of your legs.

Poses which require you to hold your body weight will build your leg muscles. Any standing pose held will work the thighs.

The breathing exercises are also beneficial to your weight as well. Yoga also helps give you balance in your life, which is also a good thing. (You may not even care as much about your thighs and be kinder to yourself when you look in the mirror.)

If you want to know how to lose fat off thighs, then you want to follow a healthy lifestyle. Carefully choose the fuel you place in your mouth. Eat well, exercise, and do resistance training. These steps will give you the look you want.

Slender thighs give you a sleeker, sexier look. You will find buying pants and shorts will be easier. You will be happier with your body all the way around.