6 Superb Home Remedies for Weight Loss


Home remedies for weight loss are quite handy when your aim is to either maintain your current body weight without gaining any additional pounds or inches or when the target body weight that you plan to lose is not more than 15-18 pounds.

However if you have to lose more than 20 pounds, you could still use these home remedies as an adjuvant to other methods of losing weight like diet planning, exercises or using supplements.

Flavorful Aromatic Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon is a popular spice that is present in almost all the kitchens worldwide. In addition to being capable of imparting an amazing flavor and aroma to your food, cinnamon also has some great effects on your blood sugar levels as well.

Drinking cinnamon tea made by steeping about 1-2 teaspoons of cinnamon powder in a glass of water, twice a day can be quite helpful in regulating your blood sugar levels. In addition, cinnamon has been found to influence your blood sugar in such a way as to make it more responsive to the beneficial effects of Insulin. For better results use it after meals.

Powdered Flax Seeds

Flax seed has numerous health benefits and its main area of action in the human body is on the digestive tract. While this health food has been used since centuries to help improve digestive health and get rid of constipation and other bowel irregularities, it has an amazing effect on reducing body weight as well.

All you need to do is to use 1 tbsp of powdered flax seeds as part of your daily diet.

Cooked Asparagus

Asparagus is already on the list of favorite foods for many of us, but not everyone realizes its health benefits. It is easily one of the tastiest home remedies for weight loss and can be used as part of your green salad or eaten alone with a slight brushing of virgin olive oil. Remember to not overcook it beyond 3 minutes.

Honey in Warm Water

Drinking a cup of warm water with a tablespoon of honey dissolved in it, the first thing in the morning after you wake up can be a sweet way to lose weight for many.

A tablespoonful of honey (without any water) eaten at night, right before you go to sleep, can be helpful in regulation of your metabolism and helps your body to process fats and sugars in the right manner.

Extract of Rose Petals

The extract of rose petals is a great way to lose weight when swelling or water retention is your major problem. In such cases, use either the juice extracted from fresh rose petals or you could alternatively use dried rose petals as well. You may also buy rose water extract, but make sure about the contents and see to it that it contains no preservatives or other added ingredients.

Lime Juice with Honey

This probably is one of the most commonly known home remedies for weight loss and many have tried, tested and of course benefited from it. The commonly known method is to mix a tablespoonful of honey in a glass of warm lime juice and drink it first thing in the morning. But I use a slightly different version for the simple reason that I cannot tolerate drinking a glassful of anything sour on an empty stomach.

So I use just 2 or 3 drops of water and mix it with a tablespoonful of honey and a tablespoonful of lime juice and gulp down this concentrated concoction without giving it a chance to set my teeth on edge or make me throw up due to the sourness.