Healthy Ways to Lose Weight


If you are looking for healthy ways to lose weight, there are plenty around. Although the weight loss industry is a billion dollar industry, healthy weight loss can be attained. You must only be willing to work hard and make some lasting changes.

The basis of your efforts must be to alter your diet and increase your exercise. There is simply no getting around diet and exercise as the healthy ways to lose weight. But there are some tricks you can add to that regimen that will help make the process less painful and increase your odds of success. If you use these healthy tips, you could lose 10 pounds in one month.

Chew gum

Studies show that chewing gum between lunch and a snack ate less than those who didn’t. Participants consumed 60 fewer calories after chewing gum.

Vegetable juice is your secret weapon

Research revealed that vegetable juice can help with weight loss. Those who drank vegetable juice lost four times the weight than study subjects who did not.

Sugary drinks are out

If you drink fruit drinks or sodas, kick the habit.

Substitute green tea instead

A study showed that green tea helped some dieters lose 7% more dangerous belly fat. Even when compared to drinks with equal calorie values, green diet helped dieters shed three additional pounds.

Indulge in sleep

Researchers showed that the sleep-deprived eat more. When subjects got an extra two hours of sleep each night, they ate 300 fewer calories each day.

Flavor veggies with heart-healthy oil

Olive oil drizzled over veggies gives them a nice kick and makes them more palatable.

Stop multi-tasking

When you eat while you read, drive, watch television, or do any other task, you eat more than you would if you were just eating. To avoid overeating, just eat. Focus on your meal.

Increase your movement—outside of the gym

Other countries do not struggle with their waistlines the way Americans do and part of the reason is that they walk. Gym memberships are nice, but moving throughout the day is the best path to weight loss.

Never skip meals

If you think that cutting calories means cutting meals, think again. Cutting meals causes the body to go into starvation mode. When you do eat, your body will overeat out of fear that it won’t get another meal any time soon.

Begin meals with broth-based soup

When you start you a meal with vegetable soup, you consume fewer calories during your meal.

Eat a healthy cereal for breakfast

Studies show that people who begin their day with a cereal such as Total, Grape Nuts or another high fiber cereal tend to weigh less and reduce their risk for diabetes to boot.

Eat at home

People who eat at home tend to eat less and have an easier time maintaining their weight.

Think positively

Rather than creating a self-fulfilling prophecy by saying, “I can’t lose weight!” repeat positive mantras to yourself. Say, “I can lose weight” and “I can walk every day.”

Trade fruit juice for fruit

Eating fruit will satisfy you and has fewer calories and sugar. The body does not register fullness from drinking liquids.

Watch yourself on the weekends

Studies show we eat extra calories on the weekend. So be especially mindful of what you’re putting into your mouth on Saturday and Sunday.

You can start today making shifts in your habits and discover a host of healthy ways to lose weight. Changing little things adds up to a big difference on the scale.