Secrets of Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss


Apple cider vinegar weight loss is definitely something that you must have come across if you have been trying to research for natural methods to lose weight. This method has gained a lot of popularity, especially over the recent few years as an effective way to slim down. Considering how one stumbles across a truly effective weight loss method only once in a blue moon, apple cider vinegar certainly deserves your attention.

What is Apple Cider Vinegar?

As the name itself is quite suggestive, apple cider vinegar is sourced from apples. This fermented extract from crushed apples contains important ingredients like pectin, vitamins like B1, B2, B6, C, biotin, folic acid, niacin, pantothenic acid, and few minerals as well like sodium, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium.

How Does Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss Happen?

Apple cider vinegar works at multiple levels when it comes to aiding loss of excessive body weight. The first effect begins right at the beginning of the digestive process and that is within the mouth itself. The taste buds that are located on the surface of your tongue do have an important say in determining your body weight. After all they are the reason why you tend to push away a plate of fresh fruits and veggies when you see a fat loaded, salt enhanced and cholesterol producing burger.

So basically what apple cider vinegar does is to stimulate your taste buds in all the right ways and in the process, help you to choose healthier foods. These healthier foods like green vegetables, whole grains, beans, fruits etc. will boost your metabolism, regulate your blood sugar levels and finally contribute lesser towards your body fat deposits.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Metabolism

As mentioned in the previous section, apple cider vinegar weight loss happens at multiple levels and one of the important ones is at the cell level. Apple cider vinegar helps in effective release of iron molecules from your food during digestion and this iron subsequently kick-starts a fat burning process within your body. Iron is a carrier needed by the body to mobilize oxygen and deliver it to each of the cells. This oxygen can be considered as the fuel for the fire that will burn or melt fat cells.

Apple cider vinegar also helps in protein digestion and protein is the building block for growth hormone, which in turn is highly effective in maintaining normal body weight and boosting your metabolism.

It also has a crucial effect on the digestion of your food. The total duration for which fat remains in your digestive tract during the digestive process is considerably reduced by the effect of apple cider vinegar. This ensures that the body does not get a chance to absorb these harmful fats and store them.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss?

The previous sections have described in detail about the effect of apple cider vinegar on the taste buds, process of digestion, fat metabolism and burning of fats. Based on these facts it is quite clear that in order to utilize these fat burning effects, apple cider vinegar must be consumed before meals.

The best way to use it is by mixing 1 or 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and sip through this slowly. Finish your drink before starting your meals and you can repeat this either for the 2 major meals of the day or even before all 3 meals of the day (if you are really keen to shed lots of fat).