3 Best Whole Body Exercises to Tone Your Entire Body


When it comes to choosing exercises for whole body fitness, many of us are at a loss for not having correct information. Whole body exercises are quite versatile because they can not only be used for getting fit and toned but also can be used as a warm-up.

Importance of a Proper Warm-Up Routine

Now the importance of a proper core warm-up routine before getting into actual workouts cannot be stressed enough. Skipping the warm-up can lead to unnecessary injury to the muscles and ligaments.

The right warm-up exercises will not only prepare your body and mind to deal with the strenuous exercises that you are about to engage in but also raises the temperature of your core which in turn increases the temperature and blood flow to your muscles, making them loose, supple and prepared for the workouts without any tear or injury.

Today’s post is going to highlight 3 best whole body exercises that can be done very easily and gives great results as well.

1) Push-up Exercises

When you mention push-ups, people do have a lot of doubts and concerns and one of the first ones is that it takes a lot of effort and prior body fitness to effectively do a push-up exercise routine. The other issues that are raised are that push-ups tend to bulk up the body and give a beefy appearance which is not what most of us want to project.

But there is also an assisted variety of push-ups going to be described here that can be done for those who are doing it for the first time and are not yet used to much exercising before.


Basic push-ups

These are done by lying flat on the ground on your belly and then trying to raise your body above the ground level by pushing the ground with your toes and your palms. Take care to keep your palms directly under the shoulders and your back completely flat.

Assisted Push-ups

In case you find this difficult (usual for beginners) then do the assisted push-up where you are using your knees instead of your toes to push your torso above the ground. The palms and shoulders remain in the same position as in basic push-ups but the legs are crossed behind the knee and raised to bring the entire lower body weight onto the knees.

2) Inchworm Exercise

This as the name suggests imitates the movement of a worm that is inching forward.


Stand with your legs slightly apart and then bend at your waist as if to touch the ground right in front of your toes. Now keep using your palms to walk and move your upper body forward without changing your feet position. Keep doing this until you reach a plank position (or as far as it is comfortable for you to do so). Now inch backwards or retrace your steps back using your palms to arrive at the initial position. Keep repeating for about 8-12 reps.

3) Rowing Exercise

Boat rowing is actually a great exercise that provides tone to your shoulders, triceps, and the lumbar muscles. In case you cannot do an actual rowing don’t worry. You still can get the benefits by simulating the motions.


Stand with legs apart and bend the body forward. Ensure that your back is straight and knees are slightly bent. Now keep pulling your hands backwards as if you are pulling an oar of a boat. To make this easier and more effective you can use a bag filled with books or some weight. Do at least 10-12 reps.