4 Yoga Poses For Weight Loss


Sweat, sweat, and then sweat some more is the traditional advice for losing weight. This line of thought stresses on burning more calories through scorching, high-intensity workouts. After all, to lose weight one must burn more calories than one consumes.

Yoga ascribes to the indubitable weight loss formula of burning more than what you consume too, but it works in a different way. While you burn calories when you do asanas, yoga is not a high-intensity workout. The focus in yoga is not on burning as many calories as possible but rather on restoring harmony in the body and the mind.

Regular practice of yoga improves the functioning of the internal organs, restores hormonal balance, flushes out toxins, improves sleep and reduces stress—all of which are factors for weight gain.

Yoga also improves our mindfulness and the way we relate to our body. We become more aware of what we are eating and start making better food choices.

In short, yoga for weight loss is a great idea. It helps you lose weight and also improves your overall health. Here are 4 yoga poses that provide multiple health benefits, aiding weight loss being one of them.

Ardha Chandrasna (Half-moon Pose)

How to do it:

  • Stand upright with feet firmly planted on the floor.
    Go to Trikonasana on the right side, that is, the right hand should touch the right foot and left hand should be placed on your left buttock.
  • Bring your right ahead a little ahead of your right foot (about 12 inches) and then lift your left leg up, making a 90 degree angle or slightly more with the right leg.
  • Take your left hand upwards and bring it in one line with the right hand.
  • Gently turn your neck and look at the middle finger of the right hand.
  • Bring your left leg down and then repeat the pose on the left side.


Inhale while raising the leg and exhale while bringing it down. Breathe normally while in the pose. Hold the pose for 15-20 seconds initially and then gradually increase the time spent in the pose.


It helps remove fat from waist, hips, and buttocks and also nourishes the spine by making it flexible and strong. It is good for boosting digestion and also provides relief from gastro-intestinal problems.

Uttanasana or Forward Bending Pose

How to do it:

  • Stand upright with your feet planted firmly on the floor and heels touching with each other (Those with locked knees can keep their heels a little apart).
  • Bend forward and place the palm on the floor by the side of your feet (If this is not possible, hold your ankles).
  • Touch the forehead to the knees (If you can’t, bring it as closer as possible).
  • Move the hips a little forward as the tendency to take them back. Move them forward only till the legs are perpendicular to the floor.
  • Slowly raise the head from the knees and the palms from the floor and come back to the starting position.


Exhale as you go down and inhale as you come up. When in the pose, breathe normally. Stay in the pose for 5-10 seconds initially and then increase the duration gradually. Do not bend the knees in any position, that is, while going down, in the pose, or coming up.


Uttanasana or the forward bending pose stretches your hamstrings. It also puts a considerable amount of pressure on the abdominal organs and tones the liver, the spleen, and the kidneys. It also rejuvenates the spinal nerves, has a calming effect on the mind, and slows down the heart beats. The full benefits of Uttanasana are felt when you hold the pose for at least 2 minutes and do it regularly.

Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist)

How to do it:

  • Sit on the yoga mat with the legs stretched out. Keep the feet together and the spine erect.
  • Bending the left leg, bring the heel close to the right hip. (You can also keep the left leg stretched out on the mat, perpendicular to the floor, if you want.)
  • Bring the right leg over the left knee. Hold the right knee with your left hand and take the right hand behind you.
  • Twist the abdomen from right to left, then chest from right to left, then shoulders from the right to left, and then turn your neck finally and look over the right shoulder.
  • Stay in the pose for a few breathes and then, releasing the right hand, gradually come back to the starting position.
  • Repeat on the other side.


Exhale while turning and while returning to the normal position. Breathe normally while holding the pose. Do not turn with a jerky movement and do not release the pose abruptly. Turning should be smooth and swift and the release gentle and gradual.


This is a great pose for toning the abdominal muscles and the thighs. Your spine gets a good stretch in this pose. Ardha Matsyendrasana or half spinal twist also stimulates the digestive system and provides relief from common digestive problems, like acidity, gas, bloating, etc. Your lungs become stronger if you do this pose regularly.

Halasana or Plough Pose

How to do it:

  • Sit on the yoga mat with the legs stretched out. Keep the feet together and arms by your side with palms facing downwards.
  • Using the abdominal muscles, raise your legs to 90 degree.
  • Use your hands to support your back and hips and raise them off the ground.
  • Bring your legs over your head and try to touch the ground with your toes (This may be difficult. The focus should be on keeping the spine perpendicular to the floor. One way to judge if this is so or not is by looking at the stomach. If it is rolling over the chest, your spine would not be straight. Stomach rolling over the chest also puts unwanted pressure on the chest, which negates the effect of the plough pose, in which the chest is fully expanded and light.)
  • Hold this pose for a few breaths.
  • Gently come out of the pose, avoiding any jerky movements.


You should gently exhale as you go into the pose and inhale as you come back to the supine position. Hold the pose as long as you can in the beginning and increase the duration gradually, until you could hold the pose comfortably for 3 minutes. Breathe normally when you are in the pose.


This pose is extremely beneficial for toning the buttock muscles and strengthening the shoulders and thighs. It is especially recommended for those who spend a major part of their day sitting as they are prone to having bad posture.

Halasana or plough pose help rejuvenate the abdominal organs due to contraction. It is also good for people with back pain. In this asana, because of the forward bend, the spine receives a greater supply of blood, which helps relieve pain in the back. Halasana or plough pose helps maintain hormonal balance and works directly on the thyroid glands, parathyroid glands, abdominal organs and lungs.

Done correctly and religiously, these four poses help you lose weight faster. Each of them also provides a range of health benefits and improves your overall health.