Can Extreme Weight Loss Methods Be Life Saving As Well?


Though the term extreme weight loss methods comes across as outlandish or something that people would rarely do, the truth is in fact quite the contrary. Statistics confirm that 220,000 is the number of people who underwent one of these extreme methods to lose weight in a single year in the United States of America.

That is a staggering number of people and statistics like these only point towards the scary fact that obesity is indeed a grave problem that is affecting the masses making them desperate to get a feasible solution for it.

What Do Extreme Methods Actually Involve?

To understand in detail about extreme weight loss methods, you will need to first understand what regular or non-extreme weight loss methods look like.

Well, the regular weight loss methods are usually modelled around 3 main things, i.e. diet planning, usage of medications (naturally sourced or synthetically prepared) for weight loss and exercise workouts. These are all moderate methods and does work for a good number of the obese population. But unfortunately not everyone is as lucky and there are certain folks who cannot get rid of their excess pounds and inches, no matter what moderate weight loss method they try.

These are the candidates who elect for the extreme weight loss methods and in almost all these cases the decision is usually based on the consulting weight loss physician’s recommendation.

What Makes Doctors Recommend Extreme Methods?

When an individual’s body weight is alarmingly over the normal or recommended body weight for their age, height, gender and physical activity levels, then it becomes quite exigent and indispensable to get rid of all that dangerous flab. If urgent measures are not taken, then this obesity could turn into morbid obesity, and could even turn life threatening for some individuals.

Carrying 300-400 pounds over the normal body weight is not an easy job and in almost all of the cases such extreme obesity banishes the ill-fated souls to a bed-ridden existence. Such a bed-ridden existence not only predisposes them to numerous other health problems but also obviously makes them dependent on the mercy of other people to be taken care of.

Too much of body weight puts extreme pressure on the internal organs and the major organs like the heart, kidneys and liver have to bear the brunt. To cope with all such kind of major problems arising from extreme obesity, doctors do recommend extreme weight loss methods, but only after thorough scrutiny.

Extreme Weight Loss Methods

Amongst the numerous extreme methods to lose weight, weight loss surgery is commonly the definitive option. This surgery itself can be of several kinds gastric bypass surgery, gastric banding, silo pancreatic diversion, vertical banded Gastroplasty etc.

Each of these methods involve diverse procedures to assist loss of excess body weight. While the intention of the banding processes is usually to create weight loss by decreasing the volume of food that finds entry into the stomach, the diversion processes endeavor at setting off weight loss by drastically plummeting the amount of calories that are obtained or absorbed from the food after consumption.

None of these methods can be said or claimed to be superior to the other methods, because each has its own merits and of course demerits. Finally it is the surgeon who evaluates your case who takes the final decision based on what his findings are and what he deems best suited to your body and what he personalizes for you.