Belly Fat Diet Plan for the Flat Belly of Your Dreams


Before I spill the beans about the belly fat diet plan, I have one question for you. Do you spend your time daydreaming about possessing washboard abs like Jennifer Aniston or rippling abs like Uma Thurman?

Well you are not alone. Almost every other woman on this Blue Planet does the same. But sadly most of us have bellies that resemble a sagging sack. And this is particularly true if you have endured one or more pregnancies. Add to that a sedentary lifestyle, and increasing age factor and you definitely have a recipe for a bulky belly.

Why Is It Necessary To Lose Belly Fat?

Belly fat is absolutely your number one enemy when you are desperately trying to look fit and sexy. You cannot get in to the small size clothes that you so dearly want, all because of this belly fat that you keep lugging around. But aside from squashing your hopes of getting in to a sexy 2 piece bikini, belly fat is also quite dangerous for your health.

Types of Belly Fat

Belly fat is of 2 types basically: subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. The subcutaneous fat is the one found just below the skin and accounts for 80 % of the belly fat.

But visceral fat is the one that accumulates around the major organs within the abdomen, for instance the liver, pancreas, kidneys etc. This visceral fat is highly dangerous as it leads to an increase in risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

This is due to the secretion of interleukin hormone by the visceral fat, which is a potent inflammatory compound that not only constricts the lumen of blood vessels (thus blocking circulation) but also leads to heart diseases and diabetes too.

Can Visceral Belly Fat Be Reduced?

Yes, definitely. You can reduce the amounts of accumulated visceral fat in your belly by regular exercise and consumption of polyunsaturated fats. Also strict maintenance of a healthy and balanced diet is very essential.

Components of the Belly Fat Diet Plan

The major focus of the belly fat diet plan is more on protein and less on carbs and unhealthy fats. The carbs that are included in this plan are essentially low-GI (low Glycemic index) carbs and should be good in moderate amounts. Some quick examples are whole grains, breads made from whole grains and cereals.

Protein is essential to building muscle and there is no way to get your belly muscles toned if you do not concentrate on proteins. Some suggestions in this category are all kinds of lean meat, eggs, beans, legumes and of course whey protein. Now excess intake of proteins has to be balanced by regular workouts or the end result is loss of muscle.

Other important components of the belly fat diet plan are berry fruits like raspberries, spinach, olive oil, peanut butter, fat-free dairy products and nuts, which help best if eaten with their skins intact.

The best results can be observed on eating the above mentioned foods at short intervals that is every 2 hours. And equally important is to try to stick to recommended foods and strictly avoid all other temptations like sweets, junk food and unhealthy fats.

Can a Belly Fat Diet Plan Do Everything?

It is a well-known fact that simple diet maintenance or calorie reduction cannot by itself contribute to losing belly fat and building muscle. So it is suggested that you work out regularly. Strength training and interval training are being recommended as the most effective workouts to achieve a flat belly faster.