5 Health Tips to Better You


There’s something we want you to do. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, take a few deep (but not forced) breaths, and imagine the body figure you want. Focus on it for a few seconds.

Now open your eyes, grab a paper and pen, and write down your reasons for wanting it. Don’t think too much, just write down what comes to your mind.

Looking great is always a reason for losing weight, but is it the only one? Is it the most important one?
Well, many of us are not unhappy with our body and want to do something about it—and that’s good.

However, if you want to lose excess weight only because of the way you look, you are likely to make wrong choices in the process, like opting for diets that promise huge losses in short time, but actually are ineffective—and often even harmful.

On the other hand, if you are aware about how being overweight puts you at a greater risk to many serious health conditions, you will make smarter, healthier choices. And when you make the right dietary and lifestyle decisions, your weight drops automatically.

Here are 5 tips to losing weight and better health

Include more organic, raw, whole, real foods in your diet

Processed foods and sugary drinks are one of the main reasons why obesity is on such a rise nowadays. Stay away from both if you want to lose weight.

Instead include healthier foods in your diet. Organic, raw, whole, real foods not only help you reduce your daily calorie intake but also provide you with good amounts of essential nutrients. A healthy intake of the latter, in turn, reduces your risk to a range of health conditions, including heart disease, cancer, and others.

Start exercising

There are certain exercise programs that promises amazing losses in a short time. They work, but they are also very grueling.

If you are not in the best of the shapes or are not ready to take such a steep challenge, start with something small and more doable—like walking. Even a few minutes of brisk walk everyday will improve up your stamina, rev up your metabolism, and reduce risk to heart disease.

Hydrate properly

Drinking water is imperative for good health. Improved digestion and organ function and better joint health protections are some of the benefits of consuming enough water. Proper hydration also helps your body effectively remove toxins and keep the skin healthy.

If you are exercising, you should increase your water intake. After an extreme workout, a sports drink is fine, as they replenish electrolytes. However, remember that sports drinks contain sugar and calories. The same is true for fruit juices, more so for packaged fruit juices.

Enjoy a good night’s sleep

What difference a couple of hours of extra sleep in night make in your life? A lot, if experts are to be believed. Just a few nights of less-than-optimal sleep can leave you with more than with a sleepy face and foggy mind. It can lead to anxiety, depression, and fatigue.

If this is the effect of short-term sleep deprivation, imagine sleeping a couple of hours less than recommended can do to your mental and physical in the long run?

Ah, one more thing: lack of sleep is a big contributing factor of obesity.

Take the hint. Sleep well.

Get your daily dose of vitamin D

A recent research claims that vitamin D might play a key role in weight loss in two ways: by making the fat cells more metabolically active and controlling appetite. Getting the recommended daily amount of vitamin D (400 IU) also improves immunity, calcium absorption, reduces inflammation, and might reduce risk to certain cancers.

Top food sources of vitamin D include tuna, mackerel, and salmon.

Don’t focus on looking skinny but on improving overall health by embracing smarter, healthier food choices and regular exercise.