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5 Health Tips to Better You


There’s something we want you to do. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, take a few deep (but not forced) breaths, and imagine the body figure you want. Focus on it for a few seconds.

Now open your eyes, grab a paper and pen, and write down your reasons for wanting it. Don’t think too much, just write down what comes to your mind.

Looking great is always a reason for losing weight, but is it the only one? Is it the most important one?
Well, many of us are not unhappy with our body and want to do something about it—and that’s good.

However, if you want to lose excess weight only because of the way you look, you are likely to make wrong choices in the process, like opting for diets that promise huge losses in short time, but actually are ineffective—and often even harmful.

On the other hand, if you are aware about how being overweight puts you at a greater risk to many serious health conditions, you will make smarter, healthier choices. And when you make the right dietary and lifestyle decisions, your weight drops automatically.

Here are 5 tips to losing weight and better health

Include more organic, raw, whole, real foods in your diet

Processed foods and sugary drinks are one of the main reasons why obesity is on such a rise nowadays. Stay away from both if you want to lose weight.

Instead include healthier foods in your diet. Organic, raw, whole, real foods not only help you reduce your daily calorie intake but also provide you with good amounts of essential nutrients. A healthy intake of the latter, in turn, reduces your risk to a range of health conditions, including heart disease, cancer, and others.

Start exercising

There are certain exercise programs that promises amazing losses in a short time. They work, but they are also very grueling.

If you are not in the best of the shapes or are not ready to take such a steep challenge, start with something small and more doable—like walking. Even a few minutes of brisk walk everyday will improve up your stamina, rev up your metabolism, and reduce risk to heart disease.

Hydrate properly

Drinking water is imperative for good health. Improved digestion and organ function and better joint health protections are some of the benefits of consuming enough water. Proper hydration also helps your body effectively remove toxins and keep the skin healthy.

If you are exercising, you should increase your water intake. After an extreme workout, a sports drink is fine, as they replenish electrolytes. However, remember that sports drinks contain sugar and calories. The same is true for fruit juices, more so for packaged fruit juices.

Enjoy a good night’s sleep

What difference a couple of hours of extra sleep in night make in your life? A lot, if experts are to be believed. Just a few nights of less-than-optimal sleep can leave you with more than with a sleepy face and foggy mind. It can lead to anxiety, depression, and fatigue.

If this is the effect of short-term sleep deprivation, imagine sleeping a couple of hours less than recommended can do to your mental and physical in the long run?

Ah, one more thing: lack of sleep is a big contributing factor of obesity.

Take the hint. Sleep well.

Get your daily dose of vitamin D

A recent research claims that vitamin D might play a key role in weight loss in two ways: by making the fat cells more metabolically active and controlling appetite. Getting the recommended daily amount of vitamin D (400 IU) also improves immunity, calcium absorption, reduces inflammation, and might reduce risk to certain cancers.

Top food sources of vitamin D include tuna, mackerel, and salmon.

Don’t focus on looking skinny but on improving overall health by embracing smarter, healthier food choices and regular exercise.

Four Essential Yoga Poses for Strong Core


There are over a thousand yoga poses. Unless you aim to become a yoga instructor, chances are you will not find the time to do more than a few in a day—and that’s alright.

Start with this 4 essential Yoga poses, and as you build up stamina, gain strength flexibility and strength, add more poses to your practice, time permitting.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose)

Adho Mukha Svanasana is a rejuvenating pose resembling a dog stretching with forelegs and head downwards and hind legs up.

How to do it

1. Sit on the heels on the yoga mat
2. Stretching your arms forward and extending the spine, bring the head on the mat or as close to it as possible
3. Go to the table pose
4. Pushing with your hands, straighten your legs
5. Push your pelvic bone upwards and heels towards the floor
6. Hang your head freely. If possible bring the crown of the head on to the floor

Note: If your hands are feeling heavy, you are not doing the pose correctly. The weight of the body, when Adho Mukha Svanasana is done correctly, is not felt on the hands, but on the legs.

Phalakasana (Plank Pose)

Most know of Phalakasana as workout of the core muscles, particularly the ab muscles. However, it is also very good for the triceps, the wrists and hands, the spinal muscles, the buttocks, and the neck muscles.

How to do it

1. Go to Adho Mukho Svanasana
2. Inhaling and , bring your torso forward, so much so that the arms and torso should be perpendicular to the floor and your shoulders directly over your wrists
3. Keeping the hips in line with the top of the head and shoulders, your collarbones away from your sternum, your front thighs pushed upwards, and the neck stretched forward and relaxed, look down towards the floor

Note: Your top thighs should be firmly pushed upwards but not the tailbone. Jutting out the tailbone puts undue pressure on the lumbar spine. Beginners, if they find it difficult to bear their full body weight on the heels and the hands, can bring their knee down. However, ensure that the upper leg is perpendicular to the knee.

Ardha Navasana (Half Boat Pose)

Ardha Navasana works on the liver, gall bladder, and spleen. It is also a great pose strengthening the back. That’s why, as you regularly do this pose, you find you are able to hold it for longer duration.

How to do it

1. Sit on the yoga mat and then stretch the legs outwards. Legs must be straight (just like as they are in Dandasana)
2. Place hands on the side of the hip joints
3. Exhale strongly, recline the trunk back, and simultaneously lift your arms and legs up (forming a V-shape)

Note: You should not hold your breath in this pose although the tendency is to just that. When you hold your breath, the effect of this pose is more on the abdomen than on the abdominal organs.

Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

Utkatasana is beneficial for the legs, removes stiffness in the shoulders, and tones the back and the abdominal organs.

How to do it

1. Stand in Tadasana. Raise your both arms over the head and join the palms and fingers.
2. Exhaling, bend your knees and lower the trunk until your thighs are parallel, or almost parallel if you are a beginner, to the floor.
3. Take care not to stoop forward (It will put undue pressure on the knees and can cause pain in the back.). Keep your chest as back as possible.
4. Don’t stay in the pose for more than a few seconds. Thirty seconds is good enough.

Note: While this pose is good for those with knee pain and its regular practice will provide relief from it, initially it may worsen knee pain. You can keep your knee safe by double-folding your yoga mat and rolling it firmly to make a roll. Place the rolled-up yoga mat between your knees as you go down.

Yoga works on both the mind and body. If you are a beginner, start with a few essential yoga poses that work on the core muscles.

4 Super Tasty, Healthy Veggie Smoothies


Struggling with your intake of veggies? Then why not drink smoothies every day.

Vegetable smoothies are just about as healthy as green veggies that you might not eat enough. In fact smoothies are perhaps a bit healthier, as most of us have impaired digestion, thanks to years of poor eating habits, that prevents absorption of all the good stuff present in raw vegetables.

And they are so tasty. Plus, there is so much variety that you can drink a different smoothie every day or pick a bunch of smoothies to meet your specific requirements.

Orange Kale Protein Juice Recipe

This one is super easy and quick to make—all it takes is 5 minutes—plus super healthy. It contains loads of protein (30 g in a 16-ounce serving).


  • 2 scoops of any plant-based protein supplement (vanilla flavor)
  • 1 medium-sized orange (peel the orange and remove the seeds)
  • 1 cup raw kale (chopped)
  • 1 pinch each of ginger power and ground cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon of spirulina powder
  • 1 cup water

How to prepare

Put all these ingredients in your blender and mix them until the concoction is smooth.

Blueberry Mint Green Smoothie

Labeled as “superfood”, blueberries are as tasty as they are healthy. They are the king of antioxidant foods, having a higher antioxidant capacity than all vegetables and fruits commonly consumed. Besides antioxidants, blueberries are rich in manganese, vitamin c, vitamin k, and fiber.

This is one drink that you’ll rejuvenate you in an instant. And it’s super tasty, too.


  • 2 cups blackberry (either fresh or frozen)
  • 2 cups spinach (frozen ones may blend better, but you can also use fresh ones if you want)
  • 3-5 mint leaves
  • 1 kiwi
  • 1 cupful of coconut water
  • Some ice cubes

How to prepare

Put all these ingredients in your blender and just mix them!

Ginger-Orange Green Smoothie

Vitamin C, present in plenty in an orange, helps alleviate symptoms of common cold. Ginger is another food recommended when down with cold as it helps reduce nausea. Plus, it is also good for digestion. Due to these reasons, this smoothie comes especially recommended for those stuck indoors because of common cold.

That said, once you’ve tasted it, you will find the drink hard to resist on other days too—because it is tastes just like sunshine and provides all the special health benefits leafy green vegetables provide.


  • 1 ½ cups water
  • 3 handfuls spinach (use fresh spinach)
  • 2 oranges (use navel oranges)
  • A pinch of ginger
  • 2 bananas
  • 1 cucumber and 4 romaine leaves (These two are optional. If you are not using an organic cucumber, don’t forget to peel it)

How to prepare

Those having a high-powered blender can put all the ingredients together and blend them till the smoothie is smooth as silk. Others should first blend romaine leaves and spinach and then put the remaining ingredients in the blender.

Spring Detox Smoothie

Our body has built-in detoxifying organs, especially the liver. However, thanks to bad eating habits, which often get better of us, detoxification takes a hit. Spruce it up with this smoothie and help free your body of toxins and harmful chemicals.

This drink is filled with many naturally detoxifying agents, like green tea, cucumbers, cilantro, ginger, lemon juice, avocados, pineapple, and raw honey. And the taste is great too!


  • 1 cup chilled green tea
  • 1 cup cilantro
  • 1 cup organic baby or baby green kale
  • 1 cup pineapple
  • 1 cup cucumber
  • juice of 1 medium-sized lemon
  • ½ avocado
  • 1 tablespoon ginger (freshly grated)

How to prepare

Throw all the ingredients into your blender. Puree until silk smooth.

Drink a glass of smoothie—or more—everyday and get all the benefits of green vegetables without eating them.

Lose Weight, Not Your Sleep Over How to Lose Weight


It’s not an official figure but is likely to be true all the same: how to lose weight is the most frequently searched key phrase on the Internet.

And there’s a reason why: obesity is a HUGE health problem and affects a good part of the world population.

What’s worse, there’s no instant fix to it. Losing weight takes time—and hard work. It is a TO-DO project.

You may gather as much information about how to lose weight you may want, but nothing will come out of your research efforts until you put in action some of the advice you’ve collected.

Here are 4 good tips to lose weight that work for everyone. Start you journey to a slimmer, healthier you by following these weight loss tips.

1. Stop Drinking Sugar

A calorie is not a calorie. Some calories are better than others, and those obtained from sugary drinks are worst of the lot.

Our brain does not register calories consumed from sugary beverages the same way as from food. In other words, you would feel just as hungrier after drinking 100 liquid calories as you would’ve been before consuming them.

So the problem with sugary beverages is two-fold. One, they increase your sugar intake and provide extra calories. Two, they increase your overall calorie intake as well.

Sugary soda drinks are not the only you should be staying away from, so called “healthy drinks” loaded with sugar are also problematic.

Fruit juices, if taken in huge quantities, can seriously up your sugar intake. Eat whole fruits instead, as they are many times healthier than juices.

2. Eat more whole foods

Processed foods are notoriously high in ingredients that make you fat and unhealthy: excess calories, sodium levels, and fat content.

On the other hand, whole foods are rich in all the good stuff: essential minerals, vitamins, nutrients, and good fats. Replacing processed foods with whole foods is the best dietary change you can do to becoming slimmer and healthier.

The following example give you a fair idea of how much you stand to gain by shunning processed foods and eating whole foods instead: eating a medium plain baked potato instead of French fries results in trimming your daily calorie intake by 215 calories.

3. Exercise daily

Dietary changes are essential to lose weight, but they are not be-all. Alone, they may not be sufficient to help you reach the desired weight.

One question which many weight-loss enthusiasts ask is which one is better to lose weight—hitting the treadmill or picking the dumbbell?

The answer is BOTH.

Minute for minute, cardio burns more calories. But it also lead to loss of muscle mass, something you’d want to hang on to. Resistance training allows you to retain the muscle mass you already have and also add more to it. Plus, you also burn calories when you lift weights.

So you should do both, in the same session or alternately.

4. Get adequate sleep

How much sleep is enough differs from person to person. However, if you are sleeping for fewer hours than 6 and feel groggy and low on energy in the morning, in all probability you are not getting enough sleep.

Experts agree that most adults need to 6 to 8 hours of sleep in the night. And sleeping for long hours on the weekend to make up for the lost hours during the weekdays doesn’t work, contrary to what many believe.

Lack of sleep is a major risk factor of obesity, both in adults and children. Fifty-five percent of adults who sleep less are at a greater risk of obesity. This percentage in case of children is even more—89 percent.

Say no to sugary drinks, eat more whole foods, exercise daily and sleep for enough hours is an effective way as any—or perhaps only way—to lose weight.

Juicing: Drinking Your Way to Good Health


Green vegetables can be great appetite killers for many. A roomful of hungry people can immediately become “not-hungry-anymore” if you mention that only green vegetables are on the menu!

And that’s too bad, for green vegetables are EXTREMELY HEALTHY. You should be reaching out to them, not running away from them.

If you don’t eat as many green vegetables as you should because you don’t find them tasty enough (which, by the way, holds true for many people), here’s a great way to add them to your diet—juicing.

Shared ahead are three healthy juicing recipes, each offering you generous amounts of green veggies. However, first check out the health benefits of juicing and some important tidbits related to it.

Four Health Benefits of Juicing

1. Helps us absorb all nutrients present in vegetables

Years of less-than-optimal food choices can lead to—and usually does—impaired digestion, which in turn restricts the amount of nutrients the body is able to absorb from vegetables.

Juicing helps overcome this handicap. It helps “pre-digest” the nutrients.

2. Helps detoxify

The more unhealthy your diet, the greater the toxins present in the body. These toxins over time can lead to serious health complications.

This is where juicing helps. As home-made juices contain only vegetables and fruits, they provide us healthy nutrients that can help the body flush out the toxins and harmful chemicals present in the body.

3. Weight loss

Homemade juices are not high in calories and do not contain any fat. In other words, they are just ideal for someone who wants to lose weight or prevent weight gain.

Besides containing fewer calories, fruit juice also promotes satiety. That is, it keeps you full for a longer time.

In short, a few glasses of juice can help you lower your calorie count significantly.

4. Allows you to get all essential nutrients

Vegetables are rich in many nutrients that are not found in other foods. Fruits, too, are high on essential nutrients, like fiber, minerals, and vitamins.

Eating less of any or both can lead to deficiency of certain nutrients. As a result of which your risk to certain health conditions might increase.

Juicing gives you an opportunity to get those essential nutrients on a daily basis. Easy to prepare, juices are super tasty and one can make them as per one’s preferences. Plus, there are so many recipes that you can have a different type for juice every day.

Two Important Things to Remember

  • At one time, prepare only as much juice as you plan to drink then. This is because fresh-squeezed juice can develop bacteria rather quickly.
  • Vegetables, not fruits, should play a big part in your juices. Fruits are rich in sugar, and if you add more fruit than vegetables in your juices, your sugar level and calorie count will increase.

Three Healthy Juice Recipes

1. Super Healthy Green Juice

Celery, a nutritional powerhouse loaded with folic acid, potassium, iron, calcium, essential amino acids, and phosphorus, is the base. Add parsley, green apple, ginger, and lemon to prepare a supreme detoxifying drink.

  • 1 bunch celery
  • 3-4 kale leaves
  • A handful of parsley leaves
  • 1 medium-sized green apple
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 lime
  • 1 inch of ginger

Cut all ingredients into small pieces except lemon. Squeeze the lemon and mix in a juicer, shake well before you serve.

2. Beet Juice

Beet is as good a blood cleanser as any. Plus, it is rich in several important nutrients, like manganese, iron, Vitamin C, potassium, and folate. Add blackberries, apple, and ginger to prepare an antioxidant-rich juice.

  • 3 small beets
  • 8 ounce blackberries
  • 2 to 3 apples (green)
  • 1/2 inch ginger

Mix all the above into a blender to discover a juice of deep red color.

3. Carrot Juice

Beta carotene, Vitamins E and B, and various minerals are found in plenty in the carrot. Add to it golden beets, extremely high in calcium and potassium, and oranges, a great source of Vitamin C to make a tasty, healthy concoction.

  • 3 to 4 carrots
  • 2 to 3 red-flashed navel oranges
  • 2 golden beets
  • 1/2 inch ginger

Mix all the above into a blender to get a tasty juice.

Drink home-made juice if you don’t enjoy eating vegetables or fruits. Juices provide many health benefits and can be had any time.

Eat Organic and Stay Healthy


There is organic food and then there is non-organic food—and there is a world of difference between the two.

Zero pesticide content is the highlight—or USP—of organic food. Whereas, varied degree of pesticide content, sometimes to alarming levels, is the shame of non-organic food.

Big food brands and corporations are run by profit and they have deep appetite for gains. Maximizing the size of harvest of their farmers is their chosen way to maximize their gains, and maximum harvest is effected by paying farmers to grow in soil heavily sprinkled with potent weed killers and plants covered with insecticides.

All this wouldn’t have been so bad if the fruits and vegetables produced thus wouldn’t have presented health hazards to consumers—you and us.

But they do.

Non-organic fruits and vegetables might look perfectly healthy, but their pesticide content is dangerous to our health.

No pesticide, herbicide, or genetic manipulation is involved in the production of organic fruits and vegetables. And that’s why they are incomparably superior in terms of health value than non-organic foods.

Quality, however, comes at a price. Organic food, in general, is more expensive than its non-organic counterparts.

Price difference notwithstanding, you should buy organic food as much as you can, or always if you can afford it. After all, good health is priceless.

Consuming organic food on a regular basis is linked with many health benefits, the top three being the following:


Our body has a health code of its own. It automatically recognizes certain substances as foreign, and sets to work to flush them out.

Chemicals present in herbicides and pesticides (traces of which are present in foods produced non-organically) are such substances.

Non-organic foods contain traces of harmful chemicals. When you eat them, a part of your system’s focus is on removing the chemicals entering along with food.

While our body system is an amazing multitasker, it can do only so much and so many things at one time. Extra focus on detoxification comes at the cost of some other processes. The end result: your health becomes compromised.

When more toxins enter the body than leave, toxin buildup occurs. It can lead to poor digestion and health and put you at risk to many serious health conditions (cancer is one of them).

Aids Weight Loss

Toxin buildup can amount to 5 to 10 lbs of weight. This ‘extra’ weight can be easily shed by eating organic foods, which are free from chemicals and toxins.

Regular consumption of organic food will improve your body’s ability to flush out stored toxin and chemical buildup while completely stopping their entry through ingested food.

In time, the past toxin buildup will be flushed out completely. This, in turn, will improve your digestion as well as metabolism. Your body will now be able to absorb nutrients in food you eat and convert food into energy more effectively.

Better Energy Levels

As mentioned above, organic foods help improve metabolism. The direct effect of a more efficiently working metabolism is improved energy levels throughout the day.

There are many reasons why this is so.

Organic food has more nutritional superiority than non-organic food, according to a State of Science Review. When nutrition improves, energy levels automatically become better.

Organic food is free of chemicals, pesticides, or processed additives. All these three, besides increasing your risk to illness and disease, seriously bog down your system.

Organic food helps remove body from accumulated toxins and chemicals. This, in turn, leads to balanced hormone levels, and as a result of which, your energy levels get a boost.

Organic food is healthy and nutritious. Consume them and reap in the health benefits of healthy eating: improved digestion, increased energy levels, and better immunity.

3 Best Whole Body Exercises to Tone Your Entire Body


When it comes to choosing exercises for whole body fitness, many of us are at a loss for not having correct information. Whole body exercises are quite versatile because they can not only be used for getting fit and toned but also can be used as a warm-up.

Importance of a Proper Warm-Up Routine

Now the importance of a proper core warm-up routine before getting into actual workouts cannot be stressed enough. Skipping the warm-up can lead to unnecessary injury to the muscles and ligaments.

The right warm-up exercises will not only prepare your body and mind to deal with the strenuous exercises that you are about to engage in but also raises the temperature of your core which in turn increases the temperature and blood flow to your muscles, making them loose, supple and prepared for the workouts without any tear or injury.

Today’s post is going to highlight 3 best whole body exercises that can be done very easily and gives great results as well.

1) Push-up Exercises

When you mention push-ups, people do have a lot of doubts and concerns and one of the first ones is that it takes a lot of effort and prior body fitness to effectively do a push-up exercise routine. The other issues that are raised are that push-ups tend to bulk up the body and give a beefy appearance which is not what most of us want to project.

But there is also an assisted variety of push-ups going to be described here that can be done for those who are doing it for the first time and are not yet used to much exercising before.


Basic push-ups

These are done by lying flat on the ground on your belly and then trying to raise your body above the ground level by pushing the ground with your toes and your palms. Take care to keep your palms directly under the shoulders and your back completely flat.

Assisted Push-ups

In case you find this difficult (usual for beginners) then do the assisted push-up where you are using your knees instead of your toes to push your torso above the ground. The palms and shoulders remain in the same position as in basic push-ups but the legs are crossed behind the knee and raised to bring the entire lower body weight onto the knees.

2) Inchworm Exercise

This as the name suggests imitates the movement of a worm that is inching forward.


Stand with your legs slightly apart and then bend at your waist as if to touch the ground right in front of your toes. Now keep using your palms to walk and move your upper body forward without changing your feet position. Keep doing this until you reach a plank position (or as far as it is comfortable for you to do so). Now inch backwards or retrace your steps back using your palms to arrive at the initial position. Keep repeating for about 8-12 reps.

3) Rowing Exercise

Boat rowing is actually a great exercise that provides tone to your shoulders, triceps, and the lumbar muscles. In case you cannot do an actual rowing don’t worry. You still can get the benefits by simulating the motions.


Stand with legs apart and bend the body forward. Ensure that your back is straight and knees are slightly bent. Now keep pulling your hands backwards as if you are pulling an oar of a boat. To make this easier and more effective you can use a bag filled with books or some weight. Do at least 10-12 reps.

22 Productive Weight Loss Habits to Start Today


We first make our habits, then our habits make us”- John Dryden.

There is a lot to ponder about this quote as it clearly points out how habits could control us and our existences. There are always two sides to a coin. So instead of panicking at how habits could ruin us, a little bit of contemplation reveals that good habits if chosen intentionally could in fact effect a positive change.

Obesity is Linked to Habits

This is extremely important for folks who are struggling with excess body weight because majority of the cases of obesity reveal that poor dietary habits or morbid lifestyle habits or unhealthy exercise habits are the real culprits hiding behind the screen.

Instead of picking faults at the habits that have caused obesity, let us focus on learning few weight loss habits that have a potential to reverse the excess fat build-up in the body and restore it back to fitness. We will categorize them into 3 main groups for better understanding and also to tackle obesity from all possible sides.

Weight Loss Habits Concerning Food

Your food is directly linked to your body weight problems. It’s not just about what foods you eat, but also about how you eat them, when you eat and how much you eat. Following are some valuable weight loss habits that you must start immediately to see weight loss benefits.

  1. Say no to junk, oily, greasy and preserved food.
  2. Eat a healthy balanced meal.
  3. Include more of greens, fresh produce, fruits, nuts and seeds and cut back on condiments like salt, sugar and spices.
  4. Eat regular meals and always focus attentively on your food when you eat. Eating absentmindedly while you are mentally distracted will cause overeating and obesity.
  5. Chew your food properly, always eat while sitting down and take small portions at a time.
  6. Don’t skip breakfast and don’t snack after dinner.

Weight Loss Habits Concerning Drink

Just like your food, whatever you drink is also very crucial in affecting your body weight. Here are few golden rules to follow with regard to your drinking habits if you want to lose weight.

  1. Drink lots of clean, filtered water each day.
  2. Avoid mixing anything with water and restrict yourself to plain water as much as possible.
  3. Strictly cut back on sweetened, flavored and carbonated drinks.
  4. Avoid beverages like tea and coffee.
  5. Say no to alcohol as it adds nothing to your body but empty calories and a lot of body fat.
  6. Drink water before a meal to cut back on the amount of food eaten.
  7. It is better to prefer eating whole fruits over drinking fruit juice as juicing takes away a lot of the nutrients and fibers that is present in the whole fruits.
  8. Drinking green tea could bring about added weight loss benefits.

Weight Loss Habits Concerning Lifestyle

Your lifestyle can not only determine the level of fitness your body enjoys but also the state of health it is in. There is a whole range of chronic and possibly fatal health disorders labelled as lifestyle disorders so inculcating healthy lifestyle habits are a top priority for all of us irrespective of whether we want to lose weight or not.

  1. Avoid sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Exercise regularly.
  3. Avoid sitting for too long.
  4. Walk for at least 30 minutes daily at a moderately fast pace or alternatively take 10000 steps.
  5. Avoid skipping meals and binging later.
  6. Avoid staying up late at night; get at least 7-8 hours of restful sleep every night.
  7. Tackle stress with meditation, Yoga or relaxation techniques.
  8. Stay motivated and learn positive thinking techniques.

6 Proteins for Weight Loss That Excite Your Taste Buds Too!


Proteins are the most recommended type of food when you are aiming at weight loss. They are also high on the priority list of people who are trying to build their body by building more of muscle mass and burning away the fats.

Speaking of proteins, you must be already aware of the fact that our bodies need 9 essential amino acids to function properly and these have to be sourced from food because they are not manufactured within. Any food that contains all of these 9 amino acids is categorized as a complete protein. But sticking to just eggs and chicken in your daily diet to source your proteins for weight loss can not only be excruciatingly tiresome for your taste buds but also could jeopardize your weight loss dreams in the long run by demotivating you.

In today’s post we bring 6 exciting proteins that will not only burn away all the excess fats by boosting your muscle mass build up but also will be welcomed by your taste buds as well.


Spinach is a great health food. Whether you need your daily recommended dose of iron, vitamin A, B6, Vitamin C, Magnesium or Calcium, spinach is a wonder food that never disappoints. But here’s the best part about spinach. 100 grams of boiled spinach can provide about 3 grams of protein which is roughly 6% of your daily recommended protein amount. Moreover eating a cup of cooked spinach just adds 41 calories.


Tomatoes when sun-dried can be one of the valuable proteins for weight loss. Sun-dried tomatoes are not only tasty and can be eaten like a snack but also provide about 6 grams of protein (for every 1 cup).


Artichokes can not only be a tasty addition to your diet but also have many benefits when it comes to weight loss. A medium sized artichoke provides about 4.2 grams of protein and is high on satiety and adds just 60 calories to your dietary intake. In case you did not know, let me inform you that this is one of the highest protein containing vegetables and thus makes an excellent choice to source your proteins for weight loss.


Here comes a delicious fruit after a long list of vegetables. 1 cup of guava offers about 4.2 grams of protein and is a powerhouse of Vitamin C. It also helps in filling you up soon because of its high fiber content while adding just 112 calories to your dietary intake. Without compromising your intake of proteins, vitamins and fiber, guava helps you lose weight by regulating your metabolism. Guava makes for a very filling snack and satisfies the appetite very easily.


For those who have been scanning the list impatiently for any mention of animal protein, here is your chance. Beef, especially the grass fed type is said to be richer in Omega 3 fatty acids and hence heart healthy, which makes it a better choice than the regular beef. As you might have already guessed, it is a huge powerhouse for protein (26 grams of protein in 4 oz steak strip) making it a natural choice for animal proteins for weight loss.


No more waiting for all you seafood lovers because here comes your favorite fish on the protein rich food list. Halibut is a tasty fish that is appreciated by almost every seafood lover. The good news is that you can indulge your taste buds without feeling guilty because 6-oz of Halibut provides about 16 grams of protein while adding just 154 calories. It is also a great filling food an helps you feel satiated for longer periods of time.

A 6-oz. filet of halibut provides 36 percent of the recommended dietary allowance for phosphorus, 37 percent for vitamin B6, 40 percent for magnesium, 71 percent for niacin, 91 percent for vitamin B12 and 135 percent for selenium, according to registered dietitian and author Leslie Beck. It also provides vitamin A, additional B vitamins, calcium, iron and zinc.

Your Positive Thinking Guide to All Round Success


Positive thinking- how many times have you come across this term in your life? Maybe you heard it from your doctor when you visited him or her for a consultation. Or perhaps you were searching for some useful tips on personal development and you were bombarded by this term over and over. Or was it your yoga teacher who was recommending it to you?

What on Earth is Positive Thinking?

It is really strange that the more you have heard about certain things the less you actually understand about them. Positive thinking in all probability belongs to the same category of things for most people. In fact most of us tend to misunderstand this wonderful concept and that is where the real trouble lies.

People tend to use the literal meaning of the term to comprehend it and hence they think that it involves controlling your mind and deliberately thinking just happy or positive thoughts. Nothing could be more erroneous than this, because one thing is quite certain and that is the fact that it is highly impossible to filter your thoughts and block the sad thoughts or depressing ones and allow just the happy thoughts to enter and linger.

What It Actually Means?

The actual concept of positive thinking is to control your choices. Since you do not have any control over your thoughts, you simply allow them to enter and exit your mind according to the circumstances. But you deliberately choose to focus on just the positive thoughts.

To make things clearer, let me illustrate an example. Suppose you took part in a competitive race and you came in the second place. You have two choices here- first is to take the trodden path and do like what the majority of the population would do, i.e. to despair about not winning the first place and sink into depression thinking you are a loser.

Or if you have decided to implement positive thinking you could very well take the second option. This involves knowing the fact that you are capable and have achieved success in the race. It also means having confidence in your abilities and skills and understanding that you are on the right track and you only need to work a little bit harder to win the first place.

Positive thinking does not mean fooling yourself to think of yourself as a winner even when you have apparently lost. Instead it means realizing your weaknesses and then focusing on them with a determination to convert them into your strengths and then coming out victorious.

Benefits of Positive Thinking

Deliberate choice of focusing on positive thoughts and developing a positive mindset has umpteen benefits.

Some of the most important health benefits are better resistance towards diseases, improved immune system, lowered risk of developing cardiac disorders, longer lifespan and ability to cope better in situations of stress.

Other benefits are better chances of maximizing your inborn potential and sharpening your God-gifted abilities. A positive person is an asset not only for himself, but also for his family, friends and the society at large.

How to Develop a Positive Mindset

Years of negative thinking can make it seem to be very tough at the start. But actually you simply have to change the way you look at things. Do not expect that you will never experience any challenges or problems once you develop a positive attitude. They are bound to come and are a part and parcel of life. Just don’t get bogged down by the challenges and accept defeat. Instead focus on what you can do to improve things and make the situation better. That is the actual gist of thinking positive.